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The Rational Unified Process Made Easy: A Practitioner's Guide to Rational Unified Process
The Rational Unified Process Made Easy: A Practitioner's Guide to Rational Unified Process
This book is a comprehensive guide to modern software development practices, as embodied in the Rational Unified Process, or RUP. With the help of this book's practical advice and insight, software practitioners will learn how to tackle challenging development projects--small and large--using an iterative and risk-driven development approach with a...
Mac OS X Unwired : A Guide for Home, Office, and the Road
Mac OS X Unwired : A Guide for Home, Office, and the Road
Mac OS X Unwired is a one-stop wireless information source for technically savvy Mac users. If you're considering wireless as an alternative to cable and DSL, or using wireless to network computers in your home, office, or on the road, this book will show you the full-spectrum view of wireless capabilities of Mac OS X, and how to get the most out...
Programming C#, Third Edition
Programming C#, Third Edition
The new edition of Programming C# focuses on the features and programming patterns that are new to the C# language and fundamental to the programming of web services and web applications on the .NET platform. Newly updated for version 1.1 of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET 2003, the book features new tips & tricks plus answers to...
Beowulf Cluster Computing with Linux, Second Edition (Scientific and Engineering Computation)
Beowulf Cluster Computing with Linux, Second Edition (Scientific and Engineering Computation)
This how-to guide provides step-by-step instructions for building a Beowulf-type computer, including the physical elements that make up a clustered PC, the software required, and insights on how to organize the code to exploit parallelism.

Use of Beowulf clusters (collections of off-the-shelf commodity computers programmed to act in...

Access Cookbook, 2nd Edition
Access Cookbook, 2nd Edition

Access power users and programmers at all levels will rely on the Access Cookbook, Second Edition for quick solutions to gnarly problems. Fully updated for Access 2003, it's also one of the first books to thoroughly explore new support for .NET managed code and XML. All of the examples have been tested for...

Hacker Disassembling Uncovered
Hacker Disassembling Uncovered
This text shows how to analyze programs without its source code, using a debugger and a disassembler, and covers hacking methods including virtual functions, local and global variables, branching, loops, objects and their hierarchy, and more.

This book is dedicated to the basics of hacking—methods of analyzing programs using a...

LANs to WANs: The Complete Management Guide
LANs to WANs: The Complete Management Guide
This text addresses key network management challenges, showing professionals how to tie together incompatible LANs, meld legacy systems and LANs, extend the reach of LANs with wireless links, and protect information assets from various disaster scenarios.

Empowered by today’s high-performance computers interconnected over LANs and...

Flash 8: Projects for Learning Animation and Interactivity
Flash 8: Projects for Learning Animation and Interactivity

Macromedia Flash is fast becoming the Web's most widely used platform for creating rich media with animation and motion graphics, but mastering Flash isn't easy. Most entry-level books teach through simple examples that concentrate on either animation or scripting, but rarely both together. To get the most from Flash 8, you not...

Claiming Your Place at the Fire : Living the Second Half of Your Life on Purpose
Claiming Your Place at the Fire : Living the Second Half of Your Life on Purpose
More than 10,000 people turn 50 every day in the U.S. This purposeful text presents a new paradigm of successful aging for men and women entering into and moving through the second half of their lives.

Claiming Your Place at the Fire presents a new paradigm of successful aging for men and women entering into and moving through...

Upgrading and Repairing Networks, Fourth Edition
Upgrading and Repairing Networks, Fourth Edition

Even if you aren't a networking professional, Upgrading and Repairing Networks explains those tough networking concepts in a way that won't make you reach for a bottle of aspirin, starting with the fundamentals and working through more advanced concepts. Now in its fourth edition, this industry classic networking reference gives you real world,...

Real Process Improvement Using the CMMI
Real Process Improvement Using the CMMI
This book offers non-academic, real-world approaches to implementing CMMI-based process improvement in an organization. The author identifies critical concepts of CMMI, and details how to turn them into real process improvement.

Real Process Improvement Using the CMMI provides real-world concepts and techniques for CMMI-based...

Implementing Backup and Recovery: The Readiness Guide for the Enterprise
Implementing Backup and Recovery: The Readiness Guide for the Enterprise
Arm yourself with all the information you need to architect a backup and recovery system

System backup is essential in any enterprise–protecting data is equivalent to protecting the company or agency. Whether you have the task of putting together a backup and recovery system for your organization or you are thinking about how backup and...

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