 Computing Networks: From Cluster to Cloud Computing (ISTE)
“Computing Networks” explores the core of the new distributed computing infrastructures we are using today: the networking systems of clusters, grids and clouds. It helps network designers and distributed-application developers and users to better understand the technologies, specificities, constraints and benefits of these... |  |  Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems: Optimization Methods (ISTE)
Embedded systems are everywhere in contemporary life and are supposed to make our lives more comfortable. In industry, embedded systems are used to manage and control complex systems (e.g. nuclear power plants, telecommunications and flight control) and they are also taking an important place in our daily activities (e.g. smartphones,... |  |  Information and Coding Theory (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
As thi s Preface is being written, th e twent ieth century is coming to an end .
Historians may perhaps come to refer to it as the cent ury of information, jus t
as its predecessor is associated with the proce ss of indust rialisation. Successive
technological developments such as the telephone, radio, television , compute rs
and... |
 Apache Sqoop Cookbook
It’s been four years since, via a post to the Apache JIRA, the first version of Sqoop was
released to the world as an addition to Hadoop. Since then, the project has taken several
turns, most recently landing as a top-level Apache project. I’ve been amazed at how
many people use this small tool for a ... |  |  Real Analysis and Foundations, Second Edition (Textbooks in Mathematics)
Students preparing for courses in real analysis often encounter either very exacting theoretical treatments or books without enough rigor to stimulate an in-depth understanding of the subject. Further complicating this, the field has not changed much over the past 150 years, prompting few authors to address the lackluster or overly complex... |  |  Introduction to Game Development, Second Edition
Welcome to Introduction to Game Development, Second Edition, the new edition of the book that combines the wisdom and expertise of more than twenty game industry professionals to give you a unique introduction to all aspects of game development, from design to programming to business and production. Organized around the curriculum guidelines... |
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