People Skills
This is a book intended for a wide readership, covering a range of occupations
that come under the broad heading of ‘people work’. This includes health
and social care staff, social workers, staff in professions allied to medicine,
youth workers, counsellors, advisors, advocates, personnel officers and other
managers,... |  |  Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory (Third Edition)
Game theory has become an enormously important field of study. It is now a vital methodology for researchers and teachers in many disciplines, including economics, political science, biology, and law. This book provides a thorough introduction to the subject and its applications, at the intermediate level of instruction. It is designed for... |  |  Sonic Interaction Design
Sound is an integral part of every user experience but a neglected medium in design disciplines. Design of an artifact's sonic qualities is often limited to the shaping of functional, representational, and signaling roles of sound. The interdisciplinary field of sonic interaction design (SID) challenges these prevalent approaches by... |