Excel 2013: The Missing Manual
The world’s most popular spreadsheet program is now more powerful than ever, but it’s also more complex. That’s where this Missing Manual comes in. With crystal-clear explanations and hands-on examples, Excel 2013: The Missing Manual shows you how to master Excel so you can easily track, analyze, and chart your... |  |  Advanced Cmos Process Technology (V L S I Electronics) (v. 19)
The microelectronics revolution persists. Technical innovations abound,
and the performance-to-cost ratios for semiconductor devices, integrated
circuits, and systems continue to grow. Although it might be entertaining, a
historical account of the past three decades of microelectronics would
provide little direct benefit to the... |  |  Federated Identity Primer
The conceptoffederatedidentityisnothingnew.Infact,ithasbeen around alongtime.Itjustneverreallycaughton,partiallybecauseits usage scenarioswerelimited.But,thathaschanged.Nowwiththe increased usageofcloudandInternet-basedapplications,federated identity hasstartedtogainalotoftraction.Instancesoffederated identity ... |