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Intrinsically Motivated Learning in Natural and Artificial Systems
Intrinsically Motivated Learning in Natural and Artificial Systems

It has become clear to researchers in robotics and adaptive behaviour that current approaches are yielding systems with limited autonomy and capacity for self-improvement. To learn autonomously and in a cumulative fashion is one of the hallmarks of intelligence, and we know that higher mammals engage in exploratory activities that are not...

Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments (Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence)
Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments (Atlantis Ambient and Pervasive Intelligence)

This book consists of a number of chapters addressing different aspects of activity recognition, roughly in three main categories of topics. The first topic will be focused on activity modeling, representation and reasoning using mathematical models, knowledge representation formalisms and AI techniques. The second topic will concentrate on...

Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to the Kernel and C Library
Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to the Kernel and C Library

Write software that draws directly on services offered by the Linux kernel and core system libraries. With this comprehensive book, Linux kernel contributor Robert Love provides you with a tutorial on Linux system programming, a reference manual on Linux system calls, and an insider’s guide to writing smarter, faster code.

Paul Mijksenaar - Visual Foundation: an Introduction to Information Design
Paul Mijksenaar - Visual Foundation: an Introduction to Information Design
Matches are tricky to use in a car and a pocket lighter dangerous. Car manufacturers have consequently come up with a special car lighter. But in the film 'Mon Oncle' the driver hands this gadget to his passenger (played by Jacques Tati as Monsieur Hulot) as if it were a match. The designer had not foreseen that Monsieur...
Basic Electrical Engineering
Basic Electrical Engineering
The international system of units abbreviated as SI has been universally accepted for international use in all fields of engineering and day to day requirements. Therefore, all business and even household transactions are conducted in SI units. SI system offers the following advantages over other system of units.

Successful Lisp: How to Understand and Use Common Lisp
Successful Lisp: How to Understand and Use Common Lisp

This tutorial is written with the professional programmer in mind. Using a hands on approach it introduces the ANSI Common Lisp standard. Practical examples of working code provide an in depth view of Common Lisp programming paradigms. David B. Lamkins explains why this programming language is by far the most powerful industrial strength tool...

Understanding Computation: From Simple Machines to Impossible Programs
Understanding Computation: From Simple Machines to Impossible Programs
This book is for programmers who are curious about programming languages and the theory of computation, especially those who don’t have a formal background in mathematics or computer science.

If you’re interested in the mind-expanding parts of computer science that deal with programs,
Beginning Android Tablet Programming
Beginning Android Tablet Programming

Beginning Android Tablet Programming starts off by showing how to get your system ready for Android tablet programming. You won't need any previous Android experience, because you'll learn all about the basic structure of an Android program and how the Android operating system works—and then you'll learn how to...

Web Design: Best Studios (Icons) (English, German and French Edition)
Web Design: Best Studios (Icons) (English, German and French Edition)
When you surf the web and find a particular website you like, you probably ask yourself who designed it. and how. Brains are the most important assets for making the web dynamic and interesting. The use of the right tools can create the right interface for the right person, product or company. You just have to find the...
Web Design: Best Portfolios (Icons) (English, French and German Edition)
Web Design: Best Portfolios (Icons) (English, French and German Edition)
As an editor, I am always looking for references for all the publications I have been doing, and after some years I came to the conclusion that there is just one place to look for all I need: the web. And you got to know how I ? look for things, not to waste your precious hours to find the references you need. This book...
Bisociative Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to Concept, Algorithms, Tools, and Applications
Bisociative Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to Concept, Algorithms, Tools, and Applications

Modern knowledge discovery methods enable users to discover complex patterns of various types in large information repositories. However, the underlying assumption has always been that the data to which the methods are applied to originates from one domain. The focus of this book, and the BISON project from which the contributions are...

Brand Driven Innovation: Strategies for Development and Design (Required Reading Range)
Brand Driven Innovation: Strategies for Development and Design (Required Reading Range)

Branding is not merely advertising. On the contrary, in Brand Driven Innovation, branding is considered to provide a driving vision for sustainable growth for organisations. Nor is innovation seen as merely technological and ground-breaking; instead, it’s considered to be any...

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