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Building Scalable Web Sites : Building, Scaling, and Optimizing the Next Generation of Web Applications
Building Scalable Web Sites : Building, Scaling, and Optimizing the Next Generation of Web Applications

Slow websites infuriate users. Lots of people can visit your
web site or use your web application - but you have to be prepared for
those visitors, or they won't come back. Your sites need to be built to
withstand the problems success creates.

Building Scalable Web
Java 2 Programmer Exam Cram (310-035)
Java 2 Programmer Exam Cram (310-035)

This exam measures the ability to design, write, and understand programs written in language version 1.4 of the Java 2 Platform. The programmer's exam concentrates on the language basics. This book is not intended to teach new material. Instead it assumes that you have a solid foundation of knowledge but can use a refresher on important concepts...

GPRS for Mobile Internet
GPRS for Mobile Internet
This book helps you understand how the GPRS system is used as a major technology building block for the emerging mobile Internet; the book also provides you with detailed coverage of a wide range of important topics.

This ground-breaking book offers you a comprehensive, in-depth presentation of GPRS (general packet radio service). The...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services 2005
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services 2005
Generate and distribute comprehensive, integrated reports

Transform disparate corporate data into business intelligence with help from this hands-on guide. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services explains how to create, manage, and deliver traditional and interactive reports with this powerful server-based...

Windows XP for Home Users, Service Pack 2 Edition
Windows XP for Home Users, Service Pack 2 Edition
Turn on your computer, and there it is--waiting for you to start using it. We're talking, of course, about Windows XP--the world's most ubiquitous operating system--and if you want to make the most of it, you need this thorough, practical guide from veteran author Michael Miller. In this thoroughly updated volume,...
MDA Explained: The Model Driven Architecture-Practice and Promise
MDA Explained: The Model Driven Architecture-Practice and Promise
Experienced application developers often invest more time in building models than they do in actually writing code. Why? Well-constructed models make it easier to deliver large, complex enterprise systems on time and within budget. Now, a new framework advanced by the Object Management Group (OMG) allows developers to build systems according to...
Network Tutorial
Network Tutorial
This text is written for those trying to get up to speed or stay current with the complex challenges of designing, constructing, maintaining, upgrading, and managing the network infrastructure.

Network Tutorial delivers insight and understanding about network technology to managers and executives trying to get up to speed or stay...

Creating a Web Page in Dreamweaver 8 : Visual QuickProject Guide
Creating a Web Page in Dreamweaver 8 : Visual QuickProject Guide
You may not be a professional Web designer, but you do want to design a decent Web page. There's no place better to start than with the de facto tool of choice for just about anybody creating Web pages and this slim, low-priced guide to it! The same things that have made Dreamweaver so popular with the prosan...
eBay Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools, First Edition
eBay Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools, First Edition
Whether you're a newcomer or longtime user, eBay Hacks will teach you to become efficient as both a buyer and seller. You'll find a wide range of topics, from monitoring the bidding process, getting refunds, and fixing photos so that sale items look their best, to in-depth tips for running a business on eBay and...
AutoCAD 2004: One Step at a Time - Part I
AutoCAD 2004: One Step at a Time - Part I
This thorough text will teach you how to use AutoCAD's startup wizards to open a new drawing, recognize the various parts of the AutoCAD user interface, use color, use linetypes, create dimensions, and much more.

In this book, you will

  • Know how to use AutoCAD's startup wizards to set up a new drawing
  • ...
Base Sas 9.1.3 Procedures Guide
Base Sas 9.1.3 Procedures Guide
This three volume set contains the complete reference for all Base SAS procedures including examples of how to use procedures to analyze, manage, and present your data.

Base SAS procedures in SAS 9.0 (and later) include the following features and enhancements:

  • improved ODS formatting
  • ability to import and...
Special Edition Using Microsoft Office 2003
Special Edition Using Microsoft Office 2003

Tired of Office books that read as though Microsoft employees wrote them? Tired of books containing little more than you can pull from the Help system?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you owe it to yourself to get a copy of this book. Most books written on Microsoft products simply parrot the information found in...

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