Circuit Design and Simulation with VHDL
This text offers a comprehensive treatment of VHDL and its applications to the design and simulation of real, industry-standard circuits. It focuses on the use of VHDL rather than solely on the language, showing why and how certain types of circuits are inferred from the language constructs and how any of the four simulation categories can be... | | The New Darkroom Handbook
The Darkroom Handbook, Second Edition, is a completely revised and updated version of a classic guide to the best design, construction, and equipment to use when setting up a darkroom.
This book features ideas and money-saving tips on how to put a darkroom almost anywhere in your home or apartment. It takes... | | A Type Primer (2nd Edition)
Practical and hands-on in approach, this book/exercise manual speaks clearly to beginning graphic designers and others involved with type about the complex meeting of message, image, and history surrounding typography. Focused on intent and content, not affect or style, it makes informed distinctions between what is... |
Japan's Software Factories: A Challenge to U.S. Management
Though Japan has successfully competed with U.S. companies in the manufacturing and marketing of computer hardware, it has been less successful in developing computer programs. This book contains the first detailed analysis of how Japanese firms have tried to redress this imbalance by applying their skills in engineering and production... | | Logic: A Very Short Introduction
Logic is one of the most ancient intellectual disciplines, and one of the
most modern. Its beginnings go back to the 4th century вÑ. The only
older disciplines are philosophy and mathematics, with both of which it
has always been intimately connected. It was revolutionized around the
turn of the twentieth century, by the... | | What Does It All Mean?: A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy
Should the hard questions of philosophy matter to ordinary people? In this down-to-earth, nonhistorical guide, Thomas Nagel, the distinguished author of Mortal Questions and The View From Nowhere, brings philosophical problems to life, revealing in vivid, accessible prose why they have continued to fascinate and baffle... |
RF Microelectronics (2nd Edition)
The Acclaimed RF Microelectronics Best-Seller, Expanded and Updated for the Newest Architectures, Circuits, and Devices
Wireless communication has become almost as ubiquitous as electricity, but RF design continues to challenge engineers and... | | Algorithmics: The Spirit of Computing
Provides a study of the fundamental theoretical ideas of computing and examining how to design accurate and efficient algorithms.
This book tells a story. The story concerns the concepts, ideas, methods and results fundamental to computer science. It is not specifically about computer technology, nor is it about computer... | | |
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