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DV 101 : A Hands-On Guide for Business, Government and Educators
DV 101 : A Hands-On Guide for Business, Government and Educators
Corporations, government offices, and academic institutions have long used video to educate and inform. The only thing that's changed is the people who are producing them: With low-priced equipment and easy-to-use software flooding the market, now you're the person behind the camera, not some high-priced video specialist! This is the guide for...
Microsoft Windows Script Host 2.0 Developer's Guide (With CD-ROM)
Microsoft Windows Script Host 2.0 Developer's Guide (With CD-ROM)

This book isn't a complete reference to all scripting-related topics—it's a primer that begins with simple step-by-step instructions. Also, because most power users and system administrators know a bit about batch and macro programming but aren't familiar with object-oriented programming, this book provides an introduction to using objects...

3ds max 7 Bible
3ds max 7 Bible
If 3ds max 7 can do it, you can do it too ...

"Max" is a powerhouse of impressive features, and whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, you'll find version 7 exciting, challenging, and a lot of fun. This book is packed with everything you need to create professional-quality animations with Max. It covers every feature,...

Linux Server Hacks
Linux Server Hacks
A competent system administrator knows that a Linux server is a high performance system for routing large amounts of information through a network connection. Setting up and maintaining a Linux server requires understanding not only the hardware, but the ins and outs of the Linux operating system along with its supporting cast of utilities as well...
Optimal Control Models in Finance : A New Computational Approach (Applied Optimization)
Optimal Control Models in Finance : A New Computational Approach (Applied Optimization)
This book reports initial efforts in providing some useful extensions in financial
modeling; further work is necessary to complete the research agenda.
The demonstrated extensions in this book in the computation and modeling
of optimal control in finance have shown the need and potential for further
areas of study in financial
PHP and MySQL for Dummies, Second Edition
PHP and MySQL for Dummies, Second Edition
Updated for PHP 5 and MySQL 4

Create dynamic, interactive Web pages on Windows®, Linux®, or Mac OS® X systems

Open up a whole new world of Web database applications with PHP and MySQL, the perfect open source pair! This handy guidebook shows you how, with sample applications of an...

Microsoft Log Parser Toolkit
Microsoft Log Parser Toolkit
Do you want to find Brute Force Attacks against your Exchange Server? Would you like to know who is spamming you? Do you need to monitor the performance of your IIS Server? Are there intruders out there you would like to find? Would you like to build user logon reports from your Windows Server? Would you like to export your logs to XML? Would you...
3DS Max Lighting
3DS Max Lighting
This book is separated into three main parts: Part I, “Lighting Theory,”
Part II, “3ds max Lighting Tools,” and Part III, “Creating Lighting.” Part
I covers the fundamentals of what light is, how it acts and reacts in our
world, and what those reactions look like. Part II covers the virtual
SQL Server 2005 T-SQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
SQL Server 2005 T-SQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
When it comes to performing your daily SQL Server tasks, technical documentation tends to
tell you more than you need to know.

Let’s say that you’re in a hurry, and you want to add a unique constraint to a table before
someone inserts a duplicate value into it. Where do you look?

One obvious choice is SQL
Active Directory Best Practices 24seven: Migrating, Designing, and Troubleshooting
Active Directory Best Practices 24seven: Migrating, Designing, and Troubleshooting
Advanced Coverage for Experienced Network Administrators

Active Directory Best Practices 24seven is written specifically to build on the practical and conceptual knowledge you’ve already earned. Taking a "just the facts, ma'am" approach this book provides targeted instruction and insider tips to...

Learning Debian GNU/Linux
Learning Debian GNU/Linux
Lately it seems that two topics crop up in conversation after conversation: the stock market and Linux. As for the stock market, I'm something of a pessimist. When friends and even perfect strangers continually recount their recent financial successes, I conclude that a stock market correction is overdue. (I've shifted my investments to bonds.)...
Automatic Wealth: The Six Steps to Financial Independence
Automatic Wealth: The Six Steps to Financial Independence
This book contains everything I know about making money, saving
it, starting a business, and achieving a life of moneyed leisure. And
doing it fast enough to satisfy not just Boca but anyone who doesn’t
have the time or desire to do it The Millionaire Next Door way by saving
a few thousand dollars a year for 30 or 40
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