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Hacking Knoppix (ExtremeTech)
Hacking Knoppix (ExtremeTech)
Knoppix is so cool. It's easy to use, ultra-portable, and doesn't care what platform you're using. It camps on your system without canceling out your regular installation or messing with your files. And it's really fun to play with. Here are all kinds of ways to customize Knoppix for your particular needs, plus the scoop on various Knoppix distros....
HIPAA Security Implementation Version 1.0 (SANS Step-by-Step Series)
HIPAA Security Implementation Version 1.0 (SANS Step-by-Step Series)

Written for the IT staff in hospitals, this guide provides step-by-step direction on how to apply the required and addressable HIPAA Security implementation specifications into a comprehensive solution.

A “consensus project” of numerous computer security experts has culminated in a Guide for...

InDesign Type : Professional Typography with Adobe InDesign CS2
InDesign Type : Professional Typography with Adobe InDesign CS2
It's no mystery why InDesign has become the premier page layout program: It offers great tools-not least among them its sophisticated typographic controls. Here to show you how to take advantage of them is the first book devoted solely to that topic. Whether you're a graphics pros migrating from InDesign's long-entrenched competitor QuarkXPress or...
Modeling A Character in 3DS Max, 2nd Edition (Wordware Game Developer's Library)
Modeling A Character in 3DS Max, 2nd Edition (Wordware Game Developer's Library)
Highly anticipated update to the best-selling character modeling book by Paul Steed, this book is geared towards the behinning modeler. It establishes a flecible professional-level skill set for readers by guiding them through the creation of not one but three imaginative characters.

About the Author
The Unofficial Guide to Making Money on eBay
The Unofficial Guide to Making Money on eBay
From Power Sellers to first-timers, everybody wants an eBay edge With 125 million members, eBay is a huge, efficient marketplace that redefines low overhead. It appeals equally to full-time entrepreneurs who focus on a certain type of merchandise and occasional sellers with treasures in the attic they want to unload. Sellers have more options now,...
Writing Security Tools and Exploits
Writing Security Tools and Exploits
Exploits. In most information technology circles these days, the term exploits has
become synonymous with vulnerabilities or in some cases, buffer overflows. It is not
only a scary word that can keep you up at night wondering if you purchased the best
firewalls, configured your new host-based intrusion prevention system correctly,
Advanced Wireless Networks : 4G Technologies
Advanced Wireless Networks : 4G Technologies
The major expectation from the fourth generation (4G) of wireless communication networks is to be able to handle much higher data rates, allowing users to seamlessly reconnect to different networks even within the same session.  Advanced Wireless Networks gives readers a comprehensive integral presentation of the main issues in 4G...
The Six Sigma Project Planner : A Step-by-Step Guide to Leading a Six Sigma Project Through DMAIC
The Six Sigma Project Planner : A Step-by-Step Guide to Leading a Six Sigma Project Through DMAIC

Meet your Six Sigma project goals--on time and on budget

Six Sigma demands results. These results are delivered by projects that are tightly linked to customer demands and enterprise strategy. If you're leading a Six Sigma initiative in your organization, this hands-on guide is designed to help you achieve these...

Data Modeling Essentials, Third Edition (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
Data Modeling Essentials, Third Edition (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
Data Modeling Essentials, Third Edition provides expert tutelage for data modelers, business analysts and systems designers at all levels. Beginning with the basics, this book provides a thorough grounding in theory before guiding the reader through the various stages of applied data modeling and database design. Later chapters address...
Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans, 3rd Edition
Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans, 3rd Edition
The bestselling classic is back-and covers the new EJB 2.1 specification!

Building on the overwhelming success of his previous two editions, renowned author Ed Roman has returned-along with Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) gurus Gerald Brose and Rima Patel Sriganesh-to offer you the inside scoop on the EJB 2.1 specification and related...

System Analysis, Design, and Development : Concepts, Principles, and Practices
System Analysis, Design, and Development : Concepts, Principles, and Practices
Learn to develop systems that meet customer needs and organizational objectives

Successful system development requires formulation and implementation of a sound technical strategy that accurately translates the user's operational needs into a physical solution to comply with their specifications and contract requirements. System Analysis,...

Building Flash Web Sites For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Building Flash Web Sites For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
So you want to be a Flash Web designer, but you can’t design Flash Web
sites in a flash? It all takes time. And it also requires a modicum of knowledge,
which is where this book comes in. If you’ve read other Flash how-to
books, you know that they cover the sundry topics like how to create really
cool animations with
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