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GIS, Environmental Modeling and Engineering, Second Edition
GIS, Environmental Modeling and Engineering, Second Edition

Spatial dimensions need to be properly captured if modeling and engineering techniques are to be successfully applied in addressing environmental problems. The links between the geographical information systems (GIS) that capture this data, simulation modeling, and engineering offer tremendous possibilities for building versatile support...

Corporate Sigma: Optimizing the Health of Your Company with Systems Thinking
Corporate Sigma: Optimizing the Health of Your Company with Systems Thinking

One study after the next shows that most employees are unhappy with their jobs and that less than a third actively engage with their work. That means that two out of every three are merely putting in their time, rather than maximizing productivity and attaining satisfaction. One could argue that such a malaise is the symptom of an unhealthy...

Macroeconomics (Available Titles Coursemate)
Macroeconomics (Available Titles Coursemate)

Economics is global and the Eighth Edition of MACROECONOMICS maintains the hallmarks of the Boyes/Melvin series--accessible writing, strong pedagogy, and integration of global economic issues--while faithfully presenting the latest thinking of economists on important macroeconomic phenomena. The authors have carefully integrated their popular...

Learn Java for Android Development
Learn Java for Android Development

Android development is hot, and many programmers are interested in joining the fun. However, because this technology is based on Java, you should first obtain a solid grasp of the Java language and its foundational APIs to improve your chances of succeeding as an Android app developer. After all, you will be busy learning the architecture of...

Pro iOS Geo: Building Apps with Location Based Services
Pro iOS Geo: Building Apps with Location Based Services

Deepen your app development skills with Pro iOS Geo. This book shows you how to use geolocation-based tools to enhance the iOS apps you develop. Author Giacomo Andreucci describes different ways to integrate geo services, depending on the kind of app you’re looking to develop: a web app, a hybrid app, or a native app. You’ll...

Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science)
Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science)

With multicore processors now in every computer, server, and embedded device, the need for cost-effective, reliable parallel software has never been greater. By explaining key aspects of multicore programming, Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development helps software engineers understand parallel programming and master...

Droids Made Simple: For the Droid, Droid X, Droid 2, and Droid 2 Global (Made Simple (Apress))
Droids Made Simple: For the Droid, Droid X, Droid 2, and Droid 2 Global (Made Simple (Apress))

If you have a Droid series smartphone—Droid, Droid X, Droid 2, or Droid 2 Global—and are eager to get the most out of your device, Droids Made Simple is perfect for you. Authors Martin Trautschold, Gary Mazo and Marziah Karch guide you through all of the features, tips,...

Determining Project Requirements (ESI International Project Mgmt)
Determining Project Requirements (ESI International Project Mgmt)

Organizations waste millions of dollars every year on failed projects. Failure is practically guaranteed by poor or incomplete requirements that do not properly define projects in their initial stages.  Business analysis is the critical process ensuring projects start on the path toward success. To accurately determine project...

Learn C on the Mac: For OS X and iOS
Learn C on the Mac: For OS X and iOS
Welcome! Chances are that you are reading this because you love the Mac. And not only do you love the Mac, but you also love the idea of learning how to design and develop your very own Mac programs.

You’ve definitely come to the right place.

This book assumes that you know how to use your Mac.
MBA Fundamentals Accounting and Finance (Kaplan Test Prep)
MBA Fundamentals Accounting and Finance (Kaplan Test Prep)

How do you make sense of the accounting report or balance sheet you’ve just been handed? How do these reports help you to understand the company’s performance? How do you use the numbers you have been given to make good business decisions in the short- and long-term?

MBA Fundamentals in Accounting and Finance

Applied Software Product Line Engineering
Applied Software Product Line Engineering

Over the last decade, software product line engineering (SPLE) has emerged as one of the most promising software development paradigms for increasing productivity in IT-related industries. Detailing the various aspects of SPLE implementation in different domains, Applied Software Product Line Engineering documents best...

Practical Guide to Project Planning (ESI International Project Management Series)
Practical Guide to Project Planning (ESI International Project Management Series)

Practical Guide to Project Planning is filled with project documents and templates ready to use for planning and managing project. It explains project analysis and modeling techniques so these documents and templates can be used for effective project management. In addition, the book is also a guide to best practices that comply with...

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