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Ham Radio for Dummies
Ham Radio for Dummies
You can be a lifesaver while you make new friends

Find out about ham radio, prepare for your license, and join the fun!

Hams do cool things like talking to folks around the world and helping with communications during emergencies. If hamming it up sounds like fun, here’s the scoop, including licensing requirements and how to...

Routing, Flow, and Capacity Design in Communication and Computer Networks
Routing, Flow, and Capacity Design in Communication and Computer Networks
"Pioro and Medhis book is very refreshing and gives a comprehensive view of network design. It unifies many important topics on network design that are not found in one place; for example, this book provides the first thorough treatment of multi-layer design. Practitioners will find the book useful due to its development of both models and...
Mac OS X Tiger Timesaving Techniques For Dummies
Mac OS X Tiger Timesaving Techniques For Dummies
Speed up your Mac, search smarter, and optimize your network

OVER 60 techniques that help you save time by...

  • Customizing your Mac for the way you work
  • Finding files faster with Spotlight
  • Automating tasks with Automator
  • Making the most of the address book and iCal®
  • ...
Search Engine Optimization For Dummies, Second Edition (Computer/Tech)
Search Engine Optimization For Dummies, Second Edition (Computer/Tech)
Build sites search engines love, and see your business boom

Find out how to make your site pop to the top when the search is on

Search engines, search directories, search systems – it’s enough to make you search for antacids! Well, relax – this book not only tells you which is which, it gives you the inside track...

Wicked Cool Java : Code Bits, Open-Source Libraries, and Project Ideas
Wicked Cool Java : Code Bits, Open-Source Libraries, and Project Ideas
Wicked Cool Java contains 101 fun, interesting, and useful ways to get more out of Java. This isn't intended as a Java tutorial--it's targeted at developers and system architects who have some basic Java knowledge but may not be familiar with the wide range of libraries available. Full of example code and ideas for combining them in useful...
PHP 5 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
PHP 5 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
As the Internet continues to evolve, so too does the necessity for a language that addresses
the functionality needs of the Internet’s web viewers. Over time, some programming languages
have come and gone, and others have continued to evolve. Several languages have
moved into the lead in the race for supremacy. Although
Just Say No to Microsoft: How to Ditch Microsoft and Why It's Not as Hard as You Think
Just Say No to Microsoft: How to Ditch Microsoft and Why It's Not as Hard as You Think
Just Say No to Microsoft begins by tracing Microsoft's rise from tiny software startup to monopolistic juggernaut and explains how the company's practices over the years have discouraged innovation, stunted competition, and helped foster an environment ripe for viruses, bugs, and hackers. Readers learn how they can dump Microsoft...
Solaris Security
Solaris Security
At last, a security book just for Solaris and UNIX(r) system administrators. Learn
the specifics for making your system secure, whether it's an organization-wide
network or a standalone workstation. Expert author Peter Gregory has managed
security for everything from top-secret corporate research facilities to casinos.
Pro Scalable .NET 2.0 Application Designs
Pro Scalable .NET 2.0 Application Designs

We feel that many designers and architects lack an understanding of how to use Microsoft
technology to build and implement large enterprise solutions. Far too often we have found
architects shivering at the thought of building mission-critical systems based on this technology—
not because they have tried and

UNIX Backup and Recovery
UNIX Backup and Recovery
Unix Backup & Recovery provides a complete overview of all facets of Unix backup and recovery, and offers practical, affordable backup and recovery solutions for environments of all sizes and budgets. The book begins with detailed explanations of the native backup utilities available to the Unix...
Flash 8 ActionScript Bible
Flash 8 ActionScript Bible

To create Flash applications that sizzle, you have to learn the code. In this comprehensive guide to the latest version of ActionScript, the object-oriented scripting language for Macromedia Flash, you'll get the detailed instruction and step-by-step tutorials you need to write robust code and create sophisticated interactive animations. Work...

Cyber Crime Investigator's Field Guide
Cyber Crime Investigator's Field Guide
Long gone are the days when a computer took up an entire room. Now we have computers at home, laptops that travel just about anywhere, and data networks that allow us to transmit information from virtually any location in a timely and efficient manner. What have these advancements brought us? Another arena for criminal activity. If someone wants to...
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