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The Selfish Meme : A Critical Reassessment
The Selfish Meme : A Critical Reassessment
'Distin's discussion is even-handed and informative for those wishing to update themselves on the current state of play in the field.' Scientific and Medical Network Review
'A model of clarity, the book's appeal is wide - from philosophers to sociologists, anyone interested in how cultures change will benefit from reading The Selfish Meme. Her
Microsoft CRM 3 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Microsoft CRM 3 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
This book is about Microsoft Dynamics CRM Version 3.0, which we refer to
as simply Microsoft CRM or just CRM. We assume that Microsoft CRM just
showed up on your desktop computer or notebook. Chances are, you already
have some experience with one or more of the popular predecessors to CRM —
ACT, GoldMine, SalesLogix, or an
Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing (Parallel and Distributed Computing)
Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing (Parallel and Distributed Computing)
Single processor supercomputers have achieved great speeds and have been pushing
hardware technology to the physical limit of chip manufacturing. But soon this trend
will come to an end, because there are physical and architectural bounds, which limit
the computational power that can be achieved with a single processor system. In
Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Linux Fedora in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Linux Fedora in 24 Hours
An easy-to-understand, step-by-step guide and starter kit to help beginners install, configure, and use the latest version of Linux. Updated to cover the latest major release of Red Hat Linux, expected fall, 2003. Red Hat Linux is the most popular choice among Linux users in the U.S., with about 85% of the U.S. Linux market. Assumes no prior...
Web Design For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Web Design For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Build your own eye-popping site design

Create a user-friendly site, design great graphics, and make updating easy

It can take a flock of folks to build, design, and maintain an out-of-sight Web site. Whether you're designing a site on your own or are a member of a design team,...

Wireless Technology: Protocols, Standards, and Techniques
Wireless Technology: Protocols, Standards, and Techniques
We can always wait a bit longer to write a better book on technology.We can
always wait . . .

In this ever-changing technological scenario, keeping pace with the rapid
evolution of wireless technology is a formidable, exciting, and indispensable
task more than a challenge. The work is indeed herculean and often
Cyber Terrorism: Political And Economic Implications
Cyber Terrorism: Political And Economic Implications
Cyber Terrorism: Political and Economic Implications is a cyber terrorism brief that outlines many of the recent terrorist activities, political objectives, and their use of cyberspace. Much of this book is dedicated to illustrating the use of the global information infrastructure by terrorists for the communication and coordination of distributed...
The Moral Media: How Journalists Reason About Ethics (Lea's Communication Series)
The Moral Media: How Journalists Reason About Ethics (Lea's Communication Series)
The Moral Media provides readers with preliminary answers to questions about ethical thinking in a professional environment. Representing one of the first publications of journalists' and advertising practitioners' response to the Defining Issues Test (DIT), this book compares thinking about ethics by these two groups with the...
Pro Service-Oriented Smart Clients with .NET 2.0
Pro Service-Oriented Smart Clients with .NET 2.0
This book shows you how to build smart client applications and how to exploit them using
a service-oriented architecture. So, the best way to introduce the book is to define just what
a smart client is.

A smart client is not a technology. Rather, a smart client is a concept for a client application with
specific features.
Adaptive Wireless Transceivers : Turbo-Coded, Turbo-Equalized and Space-Time Coded TDMA, CDMA, and OFDM Systems
Adaptive Wireless Transceivers : Turbo-Coded, Turbo-Equalized and Space-Time Coded TDMA, CDMA, and OFDM Systems
Adaptive Wireless Transceivers provides the reader with a broad overview of near-instantaneously adaptive transceivers in the context of TDMA, CDMA and OFDM systems. The adaptive transceivers examined employ powerful turbo codecs, turbo equalisers and space-time codecs, equipping the reader with a future-proof technological road map. It...
From Business Strategy to IT Action : Right Decisions for a Better Bottom Line
From Business Strategy to IT Action : Right Decisions for a Better Bottom Line
This book is based on a very simple idea: A company should only spend money
on IT1 that directly supports its business strategy and its operational effectiveness,
and should not spend money on IT that doesn’t. The management team can
control IT budgets and investments, and at the same time improve IT’s bottom-line impact,
Biometric Image Discrimination Technologies (Computational Intelligence and Its Applications Series)
Biometric Image Discrimination Technologies (Computational Intelligence and Its Applications Series)
Personal identification and verification both play a critical role in our society.
Today, more and more business activities and work practices are computerized. Ecommerce
applications, such as e-banking, or security applications, such as building
access, demand fast, real-time and accurate personal identification. Traditional
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