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Present Your Way to the Top
Present Your Way to the Top
The beginning of my legal career was not merely inauspicious—it was disastrous. Ever since I was a small child, I had dreamed of becoming a courtroom wizard, mesmerizing the jury with my eloquence and goring hostile witnesses with insightful questions. I was always the victor, never the vanquished. I would not simply be a...
The Art of Organizing Anything: Simple Principles for Organizing Your Home, Your Office, and Your Life
The Art of Organizing Anything: Simple Principles for Organizing Your Home, Your Office, and Your Life

The first organizing system that can be customized to fit YOUR lifestyle

Are you overwhelmed by clutter? Do you have a hard time finding things in your home or office?

The disorder in your life may be keeping you from accomplishing your goals.

The Art of Organizing Anything helps you streamline...

Building Financial Models (McGraw-Hill Finance & Investing)
Building Financial Models (McGraw-Hill Finance & Investing)

The ability to effectively create and interpret financial models is one of the most valued skills in corporate finance--from Wall Street to Main Street. Now, the acclaimed guide to designing, building, and implementing valuation projection models is fully revised and expanded to keep finance and accounting professionals competitive in...

Sensors Handbook
Sensors Handbook

Complete, State-of-the-Art Coverage of Sensor Technologies and Applications

Fully revised with the latest breakthroughs in integrated sensors and control systems, Sensors Handbook, Second Edition provides all of the information needed to select the optimum sensor for any type of application, including engineering,...

Practice Makes Perfect English Sentence Builder (Practice Makes Perfect Series)
Practice Makes Perfect English Sentence Builder (Practice Makes Perfect Series)

Practice Makes Perfect helps you put your English vocabulary and grammar skills together!

You may have all the vocabulary down pat and every grammar point nailed--but without the skill of knowing how to put these elements together, communicating in your second language would be nearly impossible. Practice Makes Perfect:...

Equipped to Lead:  Managing People, Partners, Processes, and Performance
Equipped to Lead: Managing People, Partners, Processes, and Performance

Unless you manage a hook-and-ladder company, your workday shouldn't be spent putting out fires. Yet leaders often spend most of their time running from crisis to crisis.

In his groundbreaking New York Times bestseller Built to Serve, United Supermarkets CEO Dan Sanders showed how putting profi ts before people...

Schaum's Outline of Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables, 3ed (Schaum's Outline Series)
Schaum's Outline of Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables, 3ed (Schaum's Outline Series)

Schaum's has Satisfied Students for 50 Years.

Now Schaum's Biggest Sellers are in New Editions!

For half a century, more than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them study faster, learn better, and get top grades. Now Schaum's celebrates its 50th birthday with a brand-new...

Schaum's Outline of French Grammar, 5ed (Schaum's Outline Series)
Schaum's Outline of French Grammar, 5ed (Schaum's Outline Series)
Like the previous editions, the fifth edition of this review book has been designed and developed in order to facilitate the study of French grammar. The book is divided into nine chapters. Each one concentrates on the basic problem areas of the language: nouns and articles; adjectives and adverbs; prepositions; numbers, dates, and...
The Product Manager's Desk Reference
The Product Manager's Desk Reference

If you loved the first edition of The Product Manager's Desk Reference - You'll want to get a copy of the 2nd edition.  The Product Manager's Desk Reference 2nd Edition greatly expands on the body of knowledge, with new tools,

Personality Not Included: Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity And How Great Brands Get it Back, Foreword by Guy Kawasaki
Personality Not Included: Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity And How Great Brands Get it Back, Foreword by Guy Kawasaki

The age of the faceless corporation is over. In the new business era of the twenty first century, great brands and products must evoke a dynamic personality in order to attract passionate customers. Although many organizations hide their personality behind layers of packaged messaging and advertising, social media guru and influencer Rohit...

Schaum's Outline of PreCalculus, 2nd Ed. (Schaum's Outline Series)
Schaum's Outline of PreCalculus, 2nd Ed. (Schaum's Outline Series)

Schaum's Outline--Problem Solved

For half a century, more than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them study faster, learn better, and get top grades. Now Schaum's celebrates its 50th birthday with a brand-new look, a new format with hundreds of practice problems, and completely updated information...

Forex Shockwave Analysis
Forex Shockwave Analysis

More than $2 trillion is traded in the foreign exchange every day, and many experts believe this figure will double in the next five years. Fortunately for spot currency traders, the high-volume periods in this market are predictably moved by information released from government and informational agencies, typically on Wednesdays and Fridays...

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