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Microsoft Excel 2002 Formulas (With CD-ROM)
Microsoft Excel 2002 Formulas (With CD-ROM)
Excel 2002 Formulas Unleash the Power of Excel Formulas Now revised to cover the new features of Excel 2002 and expanded with two all-new chapters on financial formulas, this one-of-a-kind reference delivers all the tips and techniques you need to maximize one of the most powerful spreadsheet tools: formulas. With clear explanations of operators,...
Oracle8i: The Complete Reference (Book/CD-ROM Package)
Oracle8i: The Complete Reference (Book/CD-ROM Package)

The Official Resource on Oracle's E-Business-Enabled Database Solution.

Master all the powerful features of Oracle8i--the most complete and comprehensive platform for building and deploying Internet and enterprise applications. Written by best-selling Oracle author, Kevin Loney, and a former senior vice president of Oracle...

Design Representation
Design Representation
There can be no design activity without representation. Ideas must be represented if
they are to be shared with others, even shared with oneself! Different representational
modes and strategies afford distinctive opportunities for reading or for transforming
design ideas. We believe Design Thinking Research must address these and...
Principles of Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems
Principles of Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems
The goal of this book is to provide a concise but lucid explanation and derivation
of the fundamentals of spread-spectrum communication systems. Although
spread-spectrum communication is a staple topic in textbooks on digital communication,
its treatment is usually cursory, and the subject warrants a more
intensive exposition.
JPEG2000 Standard for Image Compression: Concepts, Algorithms and VLSI Architectures
JPEG2000 Standard for Image Compression: Concepts, Algorithms and VLSI Architectures
We have seen the revolution in computer and communication technologies in the twentieth century. The telecommunications industry has gone through sea-changes from analog to digital networking that enabled today’s very powerful Internet technology. Transition from the analog to the digital world offered many opportunities in every walk of...
Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux
Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux
The primary goal of this book is to teach the IA-32 assembly language programming under
the Linux operating system. A secondary objective is to provide a gende introduction to the
Fedora Linux operating system. Linux has evolved substantially since its first appearance in
1991. Over the years, its popularity has grown as well.
Elliptic Curves (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Elliptic Curves (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
The book divides naturally into several parts according to the level of the material,
the background required of the reader, and the style of presentation with respect to
details of proofs. For example, the first part, to Chapter 6, is undergraduate in level,
the second part requires a background in Galois theory and the third some
Networking Wireless Sensors
Networking Wireless Sensors
With its origins in the early nineties, the subject of wireless sensor networks
has seen an explosive growth in interest in both academia and industry. In just
the past five years several hundred papers have been written on the subject. I
have written this book because I believe there is an urgent need to make this vast...
Recent Advances in Applied Probability
Recent Advances in Applied Probability
Text databases are becoming larger and larger, the best example being the
World Wide Web (or just Web). For this reason, the importance of the information
retrieval (IR) and related topics such as text mining, is increasing every
day [Baeza-Yates & Ribeiro-Neto, 1999]. However, doing experiments in large
text collections is
Everyday Matters in Science and Mathematics: Studies of Complex Classroom Events
Everyday Matters in Science and Mathematics: Studies of Complex Classroom Events
This book results from a multiyear collaboration made possible by the National
Center for Improving Student Learning and Achievement housed at
the Wisconsin Center for Educational Research, University of Wisconsin,
Madison. This collaboration focused on investigating the nature of learning
in science and mathematics classrooms
Nessus, Snort, & Ethereal Power Tools : Customizing Open Source Security Applications (Jay Beale's Open Source Security)
Nessus, Snort, & Ethereal Power Tools : Customizing Open Source Security Applications (Jay Beale's Open Source Security)
One of the most attractive attributes of Nessus is the simplicity of creating custom extensions (or
plugins) to be run with the Nessus engine.This benefit is gained via the specialized language
NASL (Nessus Attack Scripting Language). NASL supplies the infrastructure to write networkbased
scripts without the need to implement the
Advanced Formal Verification
Advanced Formal Verification
With increasing design complexity, verification becomes a more and
more important aspect of the design flow. Modern circuits contain up
to several million transistors. In the meantime it has been observed that
verification becomes the major bottleneck, i.e. up to 80% of the overall
design costs are due to verification. This is
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