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Modern Software Review: Techniques and Technologies
Modern Software Review: Techniques and Technologies
The overall objective and mission the proposed book is to provide:
• An understanding of the critical factors affecting software review
• Practical guidelines for software reviews.

Readers will gain a deep understanding of current software review literature
and theoretical models for analysis
Autonomy Oriented Computing : From Problem Solving to Complex Systems Modeling (Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations)
Autonomy Oriented Computing : From Problem Solving to Complex Systems Modeling (Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations)
With the advent of computing, we are fast entering a new era of discovery
and opportunity. In business, market researchers will be able to predict the potential
market share of a new product on-the-fly by synthesizing news reports,
competitor analysis, and large-scale simulations of consumer behavior. In life
and material
Satellite Networking : Principles and Protocols
Satellite Networking : Principles and Protocols
Satellite networking is an exciting and expanding field that has evolved significantly since the launch of the first telecommunications satellite, from telephone and broadcast to broadband ATM and Internet. With increasing bandwidth and mobility demands on the horizon, satellites have become an integral part of the Global Network Infrastructure...
The Beginner's Guide to Real Estate Investing
The Beginner's Guide to Real Estate Investing
Everything you need to know to begin acquiring properties––now!

No matter what obstacles you think you face, real estate still offers you multiple money making opportunities. In The Beginner’s Guide to Real Estate Investing, successful investor and author Gary Eldred presents the tools and...

Snort 2.0 Intrusion Detection
Snort 2.0 Intrusion Detection
“Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Warning,Will Robinson!” When we heard that
ominous announcement emanating from a robot as it twisted and turned with arms
thrashing and head spinning, we sat galvanized to our televisions waiting for the
intruder to reveal itself.Would this be the end of Will Robinson, as we knew him?...
Business Plans to Game Plans : A Practical System for Turning Strategies into Action
Business Plans to Game Plans : A Practical System for Turning Strategies into Action
"This book does something important: it takes abstract information and puts it in language and worksheets that make sense. This gives everyone---- including top managers---- a complete description of how a company’s performing. And there’s no better tool for improving performance than understanding."
---- Jack Stack,
Strategic Planning for Project Management Using a Project Management Maturity Model
Strategic Planning for Project Management Using a Project Management Maturity Model
Excellence in project management cannot occur, at least not within a reasonable
time frame, without some form of strategic planning for project management.
Although the principles of strategic planning have been known for several
decades, an understanding of their applicability to project management is relatively
new. Today, as
PC Recording Studios For Dummies (Lifestyles Paperback)
PC Recording Studios For Dummies (Lifestyles Paperback)
PC Recording Studios For Dummies is an introduction into the world of
computer-based audio recording. This book takes the mystery (and frustration)
out of recording into a computer. You discover tips to help you make
the process of recording music easy and the final product sound as good as

PC Recording
C++ Programming with CORBA(r)
C++ Programming with CORBA(r)
While it may seem somewhat retrograde in 1999 to publish a book which centers on C++
(rather than the hot C-based language, Java), this book will find an important place in the
library of programmers everywhere. Even as Java turns 35 in dog years (oops, I guess I mean
Internet years!), or about five in human reckoning, according to
Sams Teach Yourself XML in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself XML in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself XML is an easy-to-use tutorial that breaks down the task of learning XML into 21 focused lessons. Readers learn through clear explanations of concepts, structured step-by-step tasks, and abundant code samples. This book covers all aspects of using XML to publish a wide range of content on the Web.

XML started as an
House Cat : How to Keep Your Indoor Cat Sane and Sound
House Cat : How to Keep Your Indoor Cat Sane and Sound
Loved and worshipped, hated and feared, cats have been companions
to humanity for thousands of years.

A carnivorous mammal in the Felidae family, the cat’s evolutionary
origin is not a clear picture. The most ancient known ancestor
is an animal called Miacis, which had a slender body and short legs.
As for our
Web Application Design Handbook : Best Practices for Web-Based Software
Web Application Design Handbook : Best Practices for Web-Based Software
Susan and Victor have written the 'Junior Woodchucks Guidebook' of Web applications: Everything you need to know is in there, including tons of best-practice examples, insights from years of experience, and assorted fascinating arcana. If you're writing a Web application, you'd be foolish not to have a copy.

Steve Krug, author of Don't
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