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Modern Industrial Automation Software Design
Modern Industrial Automation Software Design

In industrial settings, using modern technology, machinery, and integrated systems to their maximum potential often depends on well-designed automation software. As tech-nologies continually develop and evolve, practicing engineers and academic researchers must continually develop the software to run these technologies. Modern Industrial...

Weight Watchers Weight Loss That Lasts
Weight Watchers Weight Loss That Lasts
Break through the 10 big diet myths!

"In Weight Loss That Lasts, James M. Rippe and Weight Watchers show common sense and good science in a field characterized by chaos and confusion. They expose a series of 10 myths pervasive in the weight-loss industry, revealing both the kernels of truth they contain and how they have been...

Psychopathology : Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding
Psychopathology : Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding
Since 1990, more than thirty textbooks for undergraduate abnormal psychology courses have
been published. This count does not include revised editions of existing books. The same period
has seen the publication of numerous "handbooks" in psychopathology and psychiatry, which
are conceived primarily as reference books for
Oracle Built in Packages
Oracle Built in Packages
Oracle is the most popular database management system in use today, and PL/SQL plays a pivotal role in current and projected Oracle products and applications. PL/SQL is a programming language providing procedural extensions to the SQL relational database language and to an ever-growing number of oracle development tools. originally a rather limited...
JAVA 2 Network Security (2nd Edition)
JAVA 2 Network Security (2nd Edition)

The complete insider's guide to securing Java 2 enterprise applications!

  • Building secure enterprise applications with Java 2!
  • Integrating Java 2 into your overall security strategy
  • Detailed coverage for managers, developers, netadmins, and security specialists
  • ...
Mastering Visual Basic .NET
Mastering Visual Basic .NET
VB Programmers: Get in Step with .NET

With the introduction of Visual Basic .NET, VB transcends its traditional second-class status to become a full-fledged citizen of the object-oriented programming, letting you access the full power of the Windows platform for the first time. Written bythe author of the best-selling...

Digital Communication over Fading Channels (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing)
Digital Communication over Fading Channels (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing)
As we continue to step forward into the new millennium with wireless technologies
leading the way in which we communicate, it becomes increasingly clear that the
dominant consideration in the design of systems employing such technologies will
be their ability to perform with adequate margin over a channel perturbed by a host
Creating Pages with iWork: Visual QuickProject Guide
Creating Pages with iWork: Visual QuickProject Guide
With over 40 professionally designed templates, multiple page designs, dozens of fonts, and stunning tables and charts, Pages—Apple's new word processor—makes it easy to create polished documents with a minimum of fuss. Part word processor, part layout program, it lets you place alignment guides to help you position text and...
iMovie 3 for Mac OS X (Visual QuickStart Guide)
iMovie 3 for Mac OS X (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Crammed with new features-but lacking any documentation to speak of-iMovie 3 is a tool just waiting to be tapped, and this Visual QuickStart Guide provides the key. If you're already familiar with Apple's video editing software, you'll welcome the easy-to-find coverage of all of iMovie's new features-including seamless integration with other iLife...
Creating a Photo Book and Slideshow with iPhoto 5: Visual QuickProject Guide
Creating a Photo Book and Slideshow with iPhoto 5: Visual QuickProject Guide
Whether it's charming wallet-size photo-booklet party favors or slideshows with dazzling transitions and synched-up soundtracks that users want to create with iPhoto, chances are they don t want to learn about every last iPhoto feature and function to do so. They just want to create something quickly--and this colorful, compact guide lets them....
Customizing Windows XP: Visual QuickProject Guide
Customizing Windows XP: Visual QuickProject Guide
Every new PC sold comes installed with Windows XP, so there are millions of XP users out there, so why not make your Windows XP machine work and look the way you want it to and stand out from the rest? Customizing Windows XP: Visual QuickProject Guide shows you how to customize you machine so you can work the way you want to. Each chapter uses...
The Adobe® Lightroom™ eBook for Digital Photographers
The Adobe® Lightroom™ eBook for Digital Photographers
You've just downloaded the brand-new, free Beta version of Lightroom, the revolutionary new workflow application from Adobe. Now what? Pick up this ebook, written by best-selling author Scott Kelby, to give you all the dirt you need on Lightroom to allow you to work faster, smarter, and more creatively. You'll...
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