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Premiere Elements 2 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide
Premiere Elements 2 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide
Premiere Elements is geared to newbie filmmakers and hobbyists, students, business users, and home users who want professional-looking videos, but don't want or need the advanced power of classic Adobe Premiere Pro. With Premiere Elements 2 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide, readers can start from the beginning to get a tour of the software,...
Designing Menus with Encore DVD
Designing Menus with Encore DVD

Create great looking, functional menus with Encore DVD 1.5. This full-color book offers an insider's tour of the application - and your guide is the designer himself! You get all the essentials, including a concise description of the relevant DVD specifications and real-world tutorial projects that demonstrate how you can:

Evolutionary Computation for Modeling and Optimization (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics)
Evolutionary Computation for Modeling and Optimization (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics)
This book is an adaptation of notes that have been used to teach a class in
evolutionary computation at Iowa State University for eight years. A number
of people have used the notes over the years, and by publishing them in book
form I hope to make the material available to a wider audience.

It is important to state
Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations (Texts in Applied Mathematics)
Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations (Texts in Applied Mathematics)
This book resulted from lectures given at the University of Erlangen–
Nuremberg and at the University of Magdeburg. On these occasions we
often had to deal with the problem of a heterogeneous audience composed
of students of mathematics and of different natural or engineering sciences.

Thus the expectations of the
Beginning PHP and MySQL 5: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition
Beginning PHP and MySQL 5: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition
Most great programming books sway far more toward the realm of the practical than of the
academic. Although I have no illusions regarding my place among the great technical authors
of our time, it is always my goal to write with this point in mind, producing material that you
can apply to your own situation. Given the size of this
SQL Server 2000 Fast Answers for DBAs and Developers, Signature Edition
SQL Server 2000 Fast Answers for DBAs and Developers, Signature Edition
Over the last five years, I have got into the habit of carrying around what I call "The Green Folder". This
folder contains useful Transact-SQL tricks, rare error code definitions, complicated syntax examples, bug
reports, and things I just cannot seem to remember without looking them up first.
My fellow SQL Server database
Multicriteria Scheduling: Theory, Models and Algorithms
Multicriteria Scheduling: Theory, Models and Algorithms
Scheduling theory first appears in the mid 1950s. Since then the problems
addressed become closer to industrial applications, thus increasing in complexity.
The layout of the shops taken into account are closer and closer to
those met in practice: we encounter shops where the machines are found in
different multiple copies,
Civil Engineering Formulas (Pocket Guide)
Civil Engineering Formulas (Pocket Guide)

This job-simplifying pocket reference contains all the essential formulas and equations civil engineers need for a wide variety of design applications--covering everything from structural analysis to soil mechanics!

Popular author and hands-on expert Tyler G. Hicks...

Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days
Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days
The World Wide Web, for much of its existence, has been a method for distributing passive
information to a widely distributed number of people. The Web has, indeed, been exceptionally
good for that purpose. With the addition of forms and image maps, Web pages began to become
interactive—but the interaction was often simply a
Mobile, Wireless, and Sensor Networks: Technology, Applications, and Future Directions
Mobile, Wireless, and Sensor Networks: Technology, Applications, and Future Directions
The market for wireless communications has enjoyed tremendous growth. Wireless
technology now reaches or is capable of reaching virtually every location on the
face of the earth. Hundreds of millions of people exchange information every day
using laptops, personal digital assistants (PDAs), pagers, cellular phones, and other...
Beginning Php 4 (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning Php 4 (Programmer to Programmer)
PHP is a rapidly growing Web technology which enables web designers to build dynamic, interactive web applications, incorporating information from a host of databases, and including features such as e-mail integration and dynamically generated images. PHP4 added tons of features to make web application development even easier, and this book will...
Practical Troubleshooting of Electrical Equipment and Control Circuits (Practical Professional Books from Elsevier)
Practical Troubleshooting of Electrical Equipment and Control Circuits (Practical Professional Books from Elsevier)
There is a large gap between what you learn in college and the practical knowhow demanded in the working environment, running and maintaining electrical equipment and control circuits. Practical Troubleshooting Of Electrical Equipment and Control Circuits focuses on the hands-on knowledge and rules-of-thumb that will help engineers and employers by...
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