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Network Algorithmics,: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Designing Fast Networked Devices
Network Algorithmics,: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Designing Fast Networked Devices
"George Varghese has had a remarkable impact on the real world of networking with his algorithmic innovations over many years. The networking research and development community is fortunate that he has now distilled his knowledge in this very readable, insightful, and much-needed book."
--Bruce Davie, Cisco Fellow, Cisco Systems...
Photoshop CS2 Before & After Makeovers
Photoshop CS2 Before & After Makeovers
Watch as you make the magic happen

You're no stranger to Photoshop. But sometimes, it certainly would simplify your life if you had a step-by-step recipe for fixing this problem or creating that effect. And wouldn't it be nice if you could see the expected result? Open this book and that's what you'll find. From basic...

MPLS-Enabled Applications: Emerging Developments and New Technologies
MPLS-Enabled Applications: Emerging Developments and New Technologies
Our aim in writing this book was to describe the latest developments
in MPLS. The field is moving so fast that some new applications of
MPLS have already been deployed in production networks, yet are
not described anywhere in book form. In many cases, the only
available resources are the IETF drafts which list the extensions...
Database Tuning: Principles, Experiments, and Troubleshooting Techniques
Database Tuning: Principles, Experiments, and Troubleshooting Techniques
Tuning your database for optimal performance means more than following a few short steps in a vendor-specific guide. For maximum improvement, you need a broad and deep knowledge of basic tuning principles, the ability to gather data in a systematic way, and the skill to make your system run faster. This is an art as well as a science, and...
Conquering Complexity in Your Business: How Wal-Mart, Toyota, and Other Top Companies Are Breaking Through the Ceiling on Profits and Growth
Conquering Complexity in Your Business: How Wal-Mart, Toyota, and Other Top Companies Are Breaking Through the Ceiling on Profits and Growth
Over the past two decades, my colleagues and I have helped many businesses
create shareholder value primarily through process improvement.
But we often found that clients who restricted their efforts to improvement
approaches such as Lean and/or Six Sigma would hit a ceiling in
profit generation: though progress was significant,
Nano, Quantum and Molecular Computing: Implications to High Level Design and Validation
Nano, Quantum and Molecular Computing: Implications to High Level Design and Validation

The above quotation is taken from an essay titled “Computing with
Molecules” written by Mark Reed and James Tour in 2002. The quote clearly
shows that as computer engineers we are at a technological and scientific inflection
point. However, the advent of nanotechnology might be the recourse

Information Visualization, Second Edition: Perception for Design (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive Technologies)
Information Visualization, Second Edition: Perception for Design (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive Technologies)
"This unique and essential guide to human visual perception and related cognitive principles will enrich courses on information visualization and empower designers to see their way forward. Ware's updated review of empirical research and interface design examples will do much to accelerate innovation and adoption of information...
Higher-Level Hardware Synthesis
Higher-Level Hardware Synthesis
In the mid 1960s, when a single chip contained an average of 50 transistors,
Gordon Moore observed that integrated circuits were doubling in complexity
every year. In an influential article published by Electronics Magazine in 1965,
Moore predicted that this trend would continue for the next 10 years. Despite
being criticized
Computers and Writing: The Cyborg Era
Computers and Writing: The Cyborg Era
In the mid 1960s, when a single chip contained an average of 50 transistors,
Gordon Moore observed that integrated circuits were doubling in complexity
every year. In an influential article published by Electronics Magazine in 1965,
Moore predicted that this trend would continue for the next 10 years. Despite
being criticized
Assessing Expressive Learning: A Practical Guide for Teacher-directed Authentic Assessment in K-12 Visual Arts Education
Assessing Expressive Learning: A Practical Guide for Teacher-directed Authentic Assessment in K-12 Visual Arts Education
Assessing Expressive Learning was inspired by the concerns of its authors
that thinking about and making art should remain one of the principal goals of Art
Education in K–12 American schools. Furthermore, K–12 art teachers should be
considered the ones most qualified to answer the question of what it is that children...
Patterns in Java, Volume 2
Patterns in Java, Volume 2
Mark Grand's Patterns in Java, Volume 2 offers a grab bag of 50 reusable patterns for Java developers. Together, these patterns can improve your graphical user interface (GUI) design, testing, and the overall robustness of your next Java project.

After a short introduction to patterns and UML (unified modeling language) basics, the...

Practical VoIP Security
Practical VoIP Security
The business of securing our private data is becoming more important and more relevant
each day.The benefits of electronic communication come with proportionate
risks. Critical business systems can be and are compromised regularly, and are used
for illegal purposes.There are many instances of this: Seisint (Lexis-Nexis research),...
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