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Universal Meta Data Models
Universal Meta Data Models
Create world-class MME solutions using this set of ready-made meta data models

Your company’s prosperity depends on how well you gather, retain, and disseminate knowledge. By implementing a Managed Meta Data Environment (MME), you can effectively manage your data and information technology applications in order to achieve a strategic...

Past and Future of Information Systems
Past and Future of Information Systems
The academic discipline of information systems is the newest field
within the broad field of management or economic sciences. This field
developed almost from its very beginnings as an international
community of scholars. Niels Bjørn-Andersen has played vital roles in
nurturing the international discipline of information
Pro Apache Ant
Pro Apache Ant

Pro Apache Ant is ideal for Java developers who need to use the leading open source build tool out there for development and project management. It is organized around chronological tasks instead of alphabetical functions, using a sample application throughout the set-up, from calling database scripts to unit testing.


Configuring Netscreen Firewalls
Configuring Netscreen Firewalls
Every enterprise requires at least one firewall to provide the backbone for its network
security architecture. Firewalls are the core component of your network’s
security.The risks today have greatly increased, so the call for a stronger breed of
firewall has been made. In the past, simple packet filtering firewalls allowing...
Linux Assembly Language Programming (Prentice Hall Open Source Technology)
Linux Assembly Language Programming (Prentice Hall Open Source Technology)
The first Linux-centered guide to x86 assembly language!

In Linux Assembly Language Programming, Bob Neveln explains all the key features of x86 assembly language in the context of the Linux operating system and the C language. The book's step-by-step, one-concept-at-a-time coverage will help any hardware programmer move to Linux, and master...

FileNet: A Consultant's Guide to Enterprise Content Management
FileNet: A Consultant's Guide to Enterprise Content Management
"As a Project Manager, I appreciate not only the coverage Groff and Jones have given to each system but also how they have impressed upon the viewer the linkage between systems. This book extends learning opportunities in many ways and from top to bottom it assumes nothing. Each chapter is written to provide a general knowledge and combines...
Mission-Critical Network Planning
Mission-Critical Network Planning
I wrote this book in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks that took place on September
11, 2001. Until then, I was planning to write this book at a much later time. But
the events of that day compelled me to immediately begin this work. As we have
seen, those events have had far-reaching repercussions in the information
PCs For Dummies Quick Reference (Computer/Tech)
PCs For Dummies Quick Reference (Computer/Tech)
Fast answers to frequently asked questions

All the PC essentials at your fingertips!

If you like your answers quick and your information up-to-date, look no further. This concise, superbly organized reference walks you through setting up a PC, connecting all the parts, using programs, organizing your stuff, storing things on disk,...

Perl & XML
Perl & XML
XML is a text-based markup language that has taken the programming world by storm. More powerful than HTML yet less demanding than SGML, XML has proven itself to be flexible and resilient. XML is the perfect tool for formatting documents with even the smallest bit of complexity, from Web pages to legal contracts to books. However, XML has also...
Introduction to Logistics Systems Planning and Control (Wiley Interscience Series in Systems and Optimization)
Introduction to Logistics Systems Planning and Control (Wiley Interscience Series in Systems and Optimization)
Logistic systems constitute one of the cornerstones in the design and control of production systems and the modelling of supply chains. They are key to a number of industries, and courses teaching logistics systems planning and control are becoming more widespread. Introduction to Logistics Systems Planning and Control is the first book to...
Aggressive Network Self-Defense
Aggressive Network Self-Defense
I'm Mad As Hell, and I'm Not Gonna Take it Anymore!
  • Analyze the technical, legal, and financial ramifications of revolutionary and controversial network strike-back and active defense techniques.
  • Follow the travails of eight system administrators who take cyber law into their own hands.
  • ...
Windows XP For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Windows XP For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Covers the latest Windows XP updates including Service Pack 2

Fully revised to quickly answer your XP questions

You asked for more coverage of Outlook Express, scanning and faxing, CD burning, and more in Windows XP For Dummies — and we delivered! This updated edition is packed with answers to your Windows XP questions, from...

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