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Escape From Excel Hell: Fixing Problems in Excel 2003, 2002 and 2000 (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf)
Escape From Excel Hell: Fixing Problems in Excel 2003, 2002 and 2000 (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf)
When Excel talks back to you, here's what to do

You try to open a spreadsheet and Excel won't let you, because there's a macro involved. You cannot convince the software that the macro is safe. You hurl something across the room.

Grab this book instead! You'll find more than 200 fixes for things...

Buffer Overflow Attacks
Buffer Overflow Attacks
Buffer overflows. In most information technology circles these days, the term buffer overflows has become synonymous with vulnerabilities or in some cases, exploits. It is not only a scary word that can keep you up at night wondering if you purchased the best firewalls, configured your new host-based intrusion prevention system correctly, and have...
HTML: A Beginner's Guide, Second Edition
HTML: A Beginner's Guide, Second Edition

Essential Skills--Made Easy!

Peel back the Web's opulent exterior and see how HTML makes it all look so great. Author Wendy Willard will help you understand HTML with clear lessons delivered in a proven learning system. In dedicated modules that act as stand-alone lessons, you'll discover how to structure a page, place images, size text,...

Linux Timesaving Techniques For Dummies
Linux Timesaving Techniques For Dummies
Fine-tune Linux for peak performance and usability!

Over 60 techniques that help you save time by…

  • Controlling time-consuming tasks
  • Improving your system security
  • Getting the most from your file system
  • Automating repetitive tasks
  • Tweaking the kernel on your...
Windows Server 2003: Best Practices for Enterprise Deployments (Tips & Technique)
Windows Server 2003: Best Practices for Enterprise Deployments (Tips & Technique)

Your one-stop Windows Server 2003 resource

Discover the fastest way to migrate to Windows Server 2003 and begin to profit from its enterprise-ready features. Learn how to use the parallel network for migration. Design an Enterprise Network Architecture and follow feature-by-feature implementations. Make the most of Active Directory as an...

The Accidental Leader: What to Do When You're Suddenly in Charge
The Accidental Leader: What to Do When You're Suddenly in Charge
The Book You Need When You Are Unexpectedly Put in Charge

It could happen today. You are called into the office, and the boss tells you that due to unforeseen circumstances, starting today you will be in charge of a team, a project, an office, a committee, or a business unit. Without any warning (or preparation on your part) you’ve become...

Knock Your Socks Off Prospecting: How To Cold Call, Get Qualified Leads And Make More Money
Knock Your Socks Off Prospecting: How To Cold Call, Get Qualified Leads And Make More Money
Selling is fun. Or at least it should be. Winning the deal, working
with people, being on the front lines and clued into what’s
really happening out in the field—it’s fun. Selling is a great

In any profession, however, there are parts of the job that
people like the most and parts they
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About DVD
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About DVD
When DVD newcomers and the DVD community itself want answers, they go to Jim Taylor's dvddemystified.com Website. But growing legions of DVD fans clamored for more. They asked for a book that puts DVD answers at their fingertips any time, anywhere!

Image Processing and Jump Regression Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Image Processing and Jump Regression Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
The first text to bridge the gap between image processing and jump regression analysis

Recent statistical tools developed to estimate jump curves and surfaces have broad applications, specifically in the area of image processing. Often, significant differences in technical terminologies make communication between the disciplines of image...

Beginning SQL Server 2005 Express Database Applications with Visual Basic Express and Visual Web Developer Express
Beginning SQL Server 2005 Express Database Applications with Visual Basic Express and Visual Web Developer Express
This book especially targets SQL Server Express (SSE), Visual Basic Express (VBE), and Visual Web
Developer Express (VWDE), all of which offer traditional fans of Microsoft technology an inexpensive
and easy route for adapting, learning, and growing professionally. As their names suggest, these
products are all compact versions of
Web Performance Tuning: Speeding Up the Web (O'Reilly Nutshell)
Web Performance Tuning: Speeding Up the Web (O'Reilly Nutshell)

When I told people I was writing a book called Web Performance Tuning, the usual response I got was that the title should be "Web Server Performance Tuning." Most people believe that the server is the only part of the Web that you can tune. When you're desperate to improve performance, however, you become much more...

Visualizing Project Management: Models and Frameworks for Mastering Complex Systems
Visualizing Project Management: Models and Frameworks for Mastering Complex Systems
Visualization: A powerful technique for achieving high performance

Complex systems do not require complex project management. The most effective project managers are able to simplify their project environment and organize projects, large and small, to achieve predictable results. This book explains how anyone responsible for a project can apply...

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