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Photoshop Elements 4 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Photoshop Elements 4 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Whether you're a hobbyist or a pro, look what you can do with Elements 4!

Photoshop Elements is all grown up — a powerful program that's easy to use and gives professional results. This book's step-by-step instructions and full-color examples help you take creative control of Photoshop Elements' tools. From sharpening...

Beginning MapServer: Open Source GIS Development (Expert's Voice in Open Source)
Beginning MapServer: Open Source GIS Development (Expert's Voice in Open Source)
Maps have played a prominent role in human activity for thousands of years. One of the earliest known maps was uncovered during the course of an archaeological excavation in Turkey in 1961. The Çatalhöyük site is a neolithic settlement dating from approximately 6500 BC. The map consists of a partially preserved, painted plaster...
Wireless Home Networking for Dummies
Wireless Home Networking for Dummies
Pick the right equipment, secure your network, and share files

Share your Internet connection, access hot spots, and add on cool wireless peripherals

Thinking of going wireless? It’s not as scary as it sounds! This fast and fun guidebook helps you decide what you need, install it, and get the most from all its cool options....

MySQL/PHP Database Applications, 2nd Edition
MySQL/PHP Database Applications, 2nd Edition
Learn what it takes to get data-driven Web sites up and running using PHP 5 and MySQL

The popularity of using MySQL and PHP to create organized and efficient Web sites is growing at a steady pace. MySQL has proven itself to be fast, robust, and easy to use. It works well with PHP, and it’s perfect for Web applications for simple to robust...

Insider Threat: Protecting the Enterprise from Sabotage, Spying, and Theft
Insider Threat: Protecting the Enterprise from Sabotage, Spying, and Theft
I was sitting at my desk when my phone rang. I answered the phone and it was a
large pharmaceutical company who was interested in consulting services.They
started off the conversation stating that they had some problems and thought that
my company might be able to help.They had noticed a trend with one of their foreign...
Mobility Management in Wireless Networks: Data Replication Strategies and Applications (ERCOFTAC S.)
Mobility Management in Wireless Networks: Data Replication Strategies and Applications (ERCOFTAC S.)
In wireless communication systems, the network keeps track of a user’s
location through an up-to-date user profile stored in various databases.
A user profile contains not only a user’s current location information, but
also service information, such as billing and authentication. The coverage
area of an access
Building DMZs for Enterprise Networks
Building DMZs for Enterprise Networks
During the course of the last few years, it has become increasingly evident that there is
a pronounced need for protection of internal networks from the outside world. As
machine technologies have improved and extensive shifts in the functions that a user
can accomplish through more user-friendly interfaces have occurred, many more
Get It, Set It, Move It, Prove It: 60 Ways To Get Real Results In Your Organization
Get It, Set It, Move It, Prove It: 60 Ways To Get Real Results In Your Organization

If you seek to produce measurable results in your organization, this book is for you. It provides practical and useful methods that you can use immediately and points out habits you should avoid. Get It, Set It, Move It, Prove It is about getting real results and being able to prove them.

The distinct feature of this book is the...

Special Edition Using FileMaker 8
Special Edition Using FileMaker 8
If you're looking for the inside scoop on the latest version of FileMaker, you've come to the right place. Authors Scott Love and Steve Lane are FileMaker experts who were involved in the development of FileMaker 8, and they bring that knowledge to you in ...
Using Mac OS X v10.2, Special Edition
Using Mac OS X v10.2, Special Edition

From using the basic features of Mac OS X and its applications, working with multimedia, the Internet, and peripherals to administering mixed networks, this book provides readers with the information they need to become savvy on Mac OS X, version 10.2. Topic selection focuses on the practical rather than the theoretical. The information in the...

Designing Secure Web-Based Applications for Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 2000
Designing Secure Web-Based Applications for Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 2000

Although numerous books on security are available, many of them cover only theory or perhaps a security silo—that is, an island of security based on a particular tool, application, or technology. It should be obvious that no complete security solution is a silo; all secure business applications touch many tools and many technologies. Also,...

Sas R 9.1.3 Etl Studio: User's Guide
Sas R 9.1.3 Etl Studio: User's Guide
This manual explains how to use SAS ETL Studio to specify metadata for sources, specify metadata for targets, and create jobs that specify how data is extracted, transformed, and loaded from sources to targets.

Features that are new in SAS ETL Studio 9.1.3 include the following:

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