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From Access to SQL Server
From Access to SQL Server

This book covers what Access developers need to know about SQL Server, covering the two most common versions of both products: Microsoft Access 97 and 2000 and Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 and 7. The author offers his own tips and techniques based on practical hands-on experience. The resulting book teaches developers how to accomplish their goal...

Technical Communication: A reader-centered approach, 8th Edition
Technical Communication: A reader-centered approach, 8th Edition

Thousands of students have successfully improved their writing and design skills using Anderson's TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION: A READER-CENTERED APPROACH. Known for its treatment of the rhetorical situation and coverage of usefulness and persuasion, this edition renews the focus on the reader-centered approach and includes new learning...

New Masters of Flash: The 2002 Annual
New Masters of Flash: The 2002 Annual

Flash has upped the standard for web motion graphics and has been welcomed with open arms on account of its powerful new ActionScripting capabilities. Following the phenomenal success of New Masters of Flash, the Flash Annual will bring together a new collection of the hottest Flash design talents on the planet, all of whom have...

Photoshop Face to Face: Facial Image Retouching, Manipulation and Makeovers with Photoshop 7 or Earlier
Photoshop Face to Face: Facial Image Retouching, Manipulation and Makeovers with Photoshop 7 or Earlier

If we were to say Marilyn to you, what would you be thinking? Monroe? Manson?

Well, you would be thinking about the most inspired use of facial imagery. Anybody in advertising will tell you that the most effective sales tool around is the face. A face can sell you anything. Any product, any idea. And the most striking faces...

Pro Oracle Spatial
Pro Oracle Spatial
In the past decade, location analysis has outgrown its traditional use in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and has become a critical component in business applications. The vast majority of commercial franchises employ location-based analysis and services in their day-to-day activities. With this growing usage, scalable and...
Managing IP Networks with Cisco Routers
Managing IP Networks with Cisco Routers

Routers are the glue that connects the pieces of your network. Even in the simplest networks, this isn't a simple task. Routers have evolved into highly specialized computing platforms, with extremely flexible but complex capabilities.Managing IP Networks with Cisco Routers is a practical guide to setting up and...

Force.com Development Blueprints
Force.com Development Blueprints

Design and develop realworld, cuttingedge cloud applications using the powerful Force.com development framework

About This Book

  • Create advanced cloud applications using the best Force.com technologies
  • Bring your cloud application ideas to market faster using the proven Force.com...
Adobe Acrobat 5: The Professional User's Guide
Adobe Acrobat 5: The Professional User's Guide
I am a designer, and designers design; I am a writer, and writers write; I am in the business of writing and design, and businesspeople do business.

Now, aside from stating the obvious, what do we have here? Complex needs for the right tools and for the right means of communicating with clients and audiences.
Phishing Dark Waters: The Offensive and Defensive Sides of Malicious Emails
Phishing Dark Waters: The Offensive and Defensive Sides of Malicious Emails

An essential anti-phishing desk reference for anyone with an email address

Phishing Dark Waters addresses the growing and continuing scourge of phishing emails, and provides actionable defensive techniques and tools to help you steer clear of malicious emails. Phishing is analyzed from the viewpoint of human...

Competitive MINDSTORMS: A Complete Guide to Robotic Sumo using LEGO(r) MINDSTORMS
Competitive MINDSTORMS: A Complete Guide to Robotic Sumo using LEGO(r) MINDSTORMS
WHEN DAVID CONTACTED ME to ask about writing the foreword for his MINDSTORMS book, my first thought was, ·~other book about LEGO robotics-is there still something to write about it?" In fact, the shelves of the bookstores now offer a wide selection of books about building robots with the LEGO MINDSTORMS system. Many of...
Computing with New Resources: Essays Dedicated to Jozef Gruska on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Computing with New Resources: Essays Dedicated to Jozef Gruska on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Professor Jozef Gruska is a well known computer scientist for his many and broad results. He was the father of theoretical computer science research in Czechoslovakia and among the first Slovak programmers in the early 1960s. Jozef Gruska introduced the descriptional complexity of grammars, automata, and languages, and is one of the pioneers...

Building UIs with Wijmo
Building UIs with Wijmo

Wijmo lets you use widgets on your websites for more flexibility and ease of use in the user interface. This book shows you how with a refreshingly logical and example-led approach that makes learning a pleasure.


  • Learn to configure Wijmo components for common usage scenarios
  • Build...
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