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Beginning Red Hat Linux 9 (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning Red Hat Linux 9 (Programmer to Programmer)
Red Hat Linux 9 is a powerful, flexible open source operating system. Its popularity is growing, both in home use and in corporate environments of all sizes. Its user interface makes it every bit as accessible as other operating systems, and its open source pedigree opens the doors to a mind-blowing amount of free software.

This book guides you...

Flash MX 2004 Games: Art to ActionScript
Flash MX 2004 Games: Art to ActionScript
Flash MX 2004 provides the perfect platform to create fun games for Internet distribution. This
book takes the reader through the entire process from creating the art and animation for these
games, through to programming them ready for users across the world to enjoy the results. The
book is split into five sections. The first
The Complete Guide to Buying and Selling Apartment Buildings
The Complete Guide to Buying and Selling Apartment Buildings
The systematic acquisition of real estate properties over time is unquestionably
one of the surest means of accumulating wealth. While building a
respectable real estate portfolio is a process that can take months, or even
years, the patient and diligent investor enjoys a high probability of earning
above-average returns for his
Model-Driven Software Development
Model-Driven Software Development
One of the basic principles of software engineering is abstraction, which mainly
refers to separation of the essential from the non-essential. In terms of software development,
the essential usually refers to the functionality to be implemented and
the non-essential to aspects such as the technical platform on which the software...
JDBC Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
JDBC Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
This book provides complete and working solutions for performing database tasks using JDBC.
You can cut and paste solutions from this book to build your own JDBC database applications. All
the solutions have been compiled and tested against two leading databases: MySQL and Oracle.
This book is ideal for anyone who knows some Java
Practical Modern SCADA Protocols: DNP3, 60870.5 and Related Systems (IDC Technology)
Practical Modern SCADA Protocols: DNP3, 60870.5 and Related Systems (IDC Technology)
This is a comprehensive book covering the essentials of SCADA communication systems focusing on
DNP3 and the other new developments in this area. It commences with a brief review of the
fundamentals of SCADA systems hardware, software and the typical communications systems (such
as RS-232, RS-485, Ethernet and TCP/IP) that connect
Mobile and Wireless Systems Beyond 3G: Managing New Business Opportunities
Mobile and Wireless Systems Beyond 3G: Managing New Business Opportunities
With the rapid growth of the wireless mobile applications, wireless voice has
begun to challenge wireline voice, whereas the desire to access e-mail, surf the
Web or download music (e.g., MP3) wirelessly is increasing for wireless data.
While second generation (2G) cellular wireless systems, such as cdmaOne1,
GSM2 and TDMA3,
Video Data Management and Information Retrieval
Video Data Management and Information Retrieval
Video data management and information retrieval are very important areas of
research in computer technology. Plenty of research is being done in these fields at
present. These two areas are changing our lifestyles because together they cover
creation, maintenance, accessing, and retrieval of video, audio, speech, and text data...
Software Paradigms
Software Paradigms
Programming is about the creation of software to solve problems. Problems come in
many forms: simple to complex, small to large, I/O-intensive to compute-intensive.
Over the past four decades, we’ve tried to solve a lot of different types of problems
with software. At some, we have been exceptionally successful and the
The Great Telecom Meltdown
The Great Telecom Meltdown
The economic boom of the late 1990s included huge investments in the telecommunications
industry and related sectors. It was followed by a downturn of
unusual severity, which reduced total paper wealth by trillions of dollars, cost
many thousands of jobs, and saw some of the biggest bankruptcies in history.
While there certainly
Angel Capital: How to Raise Early-Stage Private Equity Financing (Wiley Finance)
Angel Capital: How to Raise Early-Stage Private Equity Financing (Wiley Finance)
The number one concern of start-up entrepreneurs and growing small business
owners and managers is how to finance their venture. When the personal
financial resources of the entrepreneur are exhausted, when the
tradition of going to family and friends for “cradle equity” has been thoroughly
“worked,” and
PHP 5 for Dummies
PHP 5 for Dummies
Start programming PHP and make your Web site interactive

Discover arrays of variables, start writing scripts, and get object oriented

The script calls for an interactive Web site – where do you start? Right here, with a fast and friendly way to get the hang of PHP 5 programming! You’ll also discover all the other cool...

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