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FACTS: Modelling and Simulation in Power Networks
FACTS: Modelling and Simulation in Power Networks
Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) controllers are revolutionising power transmission networks resulting in increased efficiency and stability. Covering the most popular FACTS models and their interaction with the power network, the book highlights the growing importance of this technology.
  • Provides a thorough grounding in...
Microsoft Windows XP Power Optimization
Microsoft Windows XP Power Optimization
Want a Faster and More Powerful PC? It's There on Your Desk.

Eventually, it will be time to buy a new PC or put money into an upgrade, but Microsoft Windows XP Power Optimization shows you how to get the most out of your current equipment right now, simply by tuning your Windows setup.
Decision Analysis for Management Judgment
Decision Analysis for Management Judgment
In an increasingly complex world, decision analysis has a major role
to play in helping decision makers to gain a greater understanding of
the problems they face. The main aim of this book is to make decision
analysis accessible to its largest group of potential users: managers
and administrators in business and public sector
Microsoft Windows XP Power Productivity (Mastering)
Microsoft Windows XP Power Productivity (Mastering)
The Keys to Your Productivity Are Right There, Inside Windows

Windows XP is packed with utilities and other features that can help you work smarter and faster. The trick is knowing what they are and how and when to use them. Microsoft Windows XP Power Productivity teaches you how to leverage these tools to automate,...

Microsoft Windows XP: Simply Visual
Microsoft Windows XP: Simply Visual
Learning How to Use Windows XP Has Never Been Easier!

This highly illustrated introduction to the latest release of Windows XP is packed with easy-to-follow lessons that make learning simple. Just follow the screens and instructions, step by step, and you'll understand the most essential and
eBay Photos That Sell: Taking Great Product Shots for eBay and Beyond
eBay Photos That Sell: Taking Great Product Shots for eBay and Beyond
"I've been an admirer of Dan Gookin since he wrote DOS For Dummies and spawned the For Dummies phenomenon. He takes things to a new level with this amazing and much needed book on practical product photography. Use his advice and you'll simply make more money. Highly recommended."
—John C.
Effective GUI Testing Automation: Developing an  Automated GUI Testing Tool
Effective GUI Testing Automation: Developing an Automated GUI Testing Tool
Have you tried using an "automated" GUI testing tool, only to find that you spent most of your time configuring, adjusting, and directing it?

This book presents a sensible and highly effective alternative: it teaches you to build and use your own truly automated tool. The procedure you'll learn is
Setting Up LAMP: Getting Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP Working Together
Setting Up LAMP: Getting Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP Working Together
You could think of Setting Up LAMP as four books in one, but it's actually something much more valuable: a single volume that presents the open-source technologies known collectively as LAMP— Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP—as tightly dovetailed components of today’s most affordable and effective platform...
Network+ Fast Pass
Network+ Fast Pass
The Perfect Preparation and Review Resource

Network+ Fast Pass is the streamlined tool you need to hone in on the Network+ exam. The enclosed CD lets you practice, practice, practice, and you’ll keep the book—packed with concise, objective-focused coverage and review
Hacking a Terror Network: The Silent Threat of Covert Channels
Hacking a Terror Network: The Silent Threat of Covert Channels
From a counterterrorism perspective, discovering terrorist communication networks
and methods is extremely important.Terrorists have demonstrated the
capability to exchange messages that vary from archaic (using human couriers)
to technologically advanced using “virtual dead-drops.”The popular press is full
Metal-Polymer Nanocomposites
Metal-Polymer Nanocomposites
A nanocluster is a tiny chunk of the bulk measuring a few nanometers with
a finite number of atoms in it. Nano-sized metals with sizes in the range of 1–
50 nm are considered important and are obtainable as sols—a dispersion of a
solid in a liquid. Metal sols possess fascinating colors and have long been used
as dyes
Fireworks MX Bible
Fireworks MX Bible
"Joseph Lowery and Derren Whiteman provide details and examples essential for the Web graphics professional."
—David Morris, Fireworks Product Manager, Macromedia
  • Create traffic-stopping vector or bitmap Web graphics and animations
  • Build eye-catching effects using layers, rollovers, frames, and...
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