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2-D and 3-D Image Registration: for Medical, Remote Sensing, and Industrial Applications
2-D and 3-D Image Registration: for Medical, Remote Sensing, and Industrial Applications
Image registration is the process of spatially aligning two or more images of a scene.
This basic capability is needed in various image analysis applications. The alignment
process will determine the correspondence between points in the images, enabling
the fusion of information in the images and the determination of scene
QoS in Packet Networks (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
QoS in Packet Networks (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
QoS is an important subject that takes a central place in overall packet
network technologies. It is a complex subject and its analysis involves such
mathematical disciplines as probability, random variables, stochastic
processes, and queuing. These mathematical subjects are abstract and are
not easy to grasp for uninitiated
Pioneers in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research (International Studies in Entrepreneurship)
Pioneers in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research (International Studies in Entrepreneurship)
In this book I will provide a historical-doctrinal review of the
development of entrepreneurship and small business research as well as
presenting some of the researchers who created and shaped the field –
the pioneers of entrepreneurship and small business research. Such an
undertaking is always associated with risk. Many
Paint Shop Pro 9 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Paint Shop Pro 9 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Retouch, reshape, and re-create your graphics for amazing images

Create great graphics and Web-friendly images, or fix photos that need help

Want your photos and graphics to be picture-perfect? This book is your buddy. It will help you capture and scan images, create a virtual painting, repair damaged, dark, or blurry photos, add...

Passionate & Profitable: Why Customer Strategies Fail and 10 Steps to Do Them Right!
Passionate & Profitable: Why Customer Strategies Fail and 10 Steps to Do Them Right!
This book is about making the choice for the customer, making a choice
beyond the superficial slogans and choosing an operational, actionable strategy.
Our experience has shown that although companies focus their customer
programs on cross-selling and loyalty initiatives, the issue is much
more fundamental. They fail in their
Payroll: A Guide to Running an Efficient Department
Payroll: A Guide to Running an Efficient Department
Payroll: A Guide to Running an Efficient Department
is a guide to
improving the payroll department through increasing its efficiency
and compliance. It combines the tasks the payroll department
must do with the most efficient ways available to do them.
With the demands made upon today’s payroll department—to...
All About Market Timing
All About Market Timing

Everything You Need to Know to Make Money In Bull and Bear Markets

Market experts regularly sing the praises of the revered buy-and-hold strategy, a winning approach in bull markets. But where are those experts when regularly occurring bear markets maul investors' portfolios? In fact, where were you during the...

Don't Oil the Squeaky Wheel: And 19 Other Contrarian Ways to Improve Your Leadership Effectiveness
Don't Oil the Squeaky Wheel: And 19 Other Contrarian Ways to Improve Your Leadership Effectiveness
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. How many of you agree with this statement? This
is what I like to ask my audience members. And guess what, virtually all
hands go up. (I bet you agreed too?) I don’t! Here is why. The number of
leaders and managers I have had the opportunity to work with who know
how to lead people always
STAMP 2 Communications and Control Projects
STAMP 2 Communications and Control Projects


When it comes to adding power to complex electronic circuits, the BASIC STAMP II microprocessor is the standard against which all others are judged....

Everybody Wins: The Story and Lessons Behind RE/MAX
Everybody Wins: The Story and Lessons Behind RE/MAX
Our research team conducted more than 50 focused, multihour interviews
with key people inside RE/MAX International and throughout its network.
We studied the real estate industry and talked to experts. We spent
weeks with Dave and Gail Liniger and got to know the members of the
senior team well. We were allowed to poke about,
Feed Your Genes Right: Eat to Turn Off Disease-Causing Genes and Slow Down Aging
Feed Your Genes Right: Eat to Turn Off Disease-Causing Genes and Slow Down Aging
The study of DNA in heredity and disease has led to a great many
heady scientific discoveries and, ironically, to some humbling acknowledgments
of ancient medical wisdom.

Scientists discovered nucleic acids, the general chemical building
blocks of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and genes, in the 1890s.Within
Performance Management: Finding the Missing Pieces (to Close the Intelligence Gap) (SAS Institute Inc.)
Performance Management: Finding the Missing Pieces (to Close the Intelligence Gap) (SAS Institute Inc.)
Praise for Performance Management

" We are witnessing a convergence among advanced management concepts and practices. Performance management is a means to pull it all together, to understand the strengths and limitations of each management practice and leverage it for competitive advantage. Cokins’ book walks us through all this in...

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