 The Addiction Counselor's Desk ReferenceWe prepared this book to provide addiction counselors—and others whose work involves them with addicted people—with useful, easily accessible, up-to-date information.
Since addicted clients challenge even the most highly skilled counselor, every available skill and resource helps. How does one help a client who... |  |  |  |  Tech Mining: Exploiting New Technologies for Competitive AdvantageIn the “information economy,” we recognize the increasing availability of information. On the one hand, we can be intimidated by the overwhelming amount of information bearing down on us. On the other hand, we now have tools to enable us to garner great value from that information quite readily. New information... |
 Dreamweaver MX 2004 SolutionsCore Dreamweaver Skills and Solutions, Made Easy Dreamweaver MX 2004 Solutions was created for results-oriented Dreamweaver users who seek practical instruction on everyday techniques and speedy resolutions to persistent problems. Author/instructor Ethan Watrall applies his effective, no-nonsense teaching style... |  |  Mastering Windows XP Home EditionThe Only Windows XP Home Edition Resource You Need—Now Completely Updated Here's the insider knowledge you need to maximize Microsoft's powerful home operating system, whether you're moving straight to XP or upgrading from Windows 98 or Me. This encyclopedic guide delivers full coverage of... |  |  |
 Advanced Lighting and Materials with ShadersProgrammable GPUs provide the processing horsepower necessary to render realistic graphics in real time, but this has put a new burden on graphics programmers. They now need to have an in-depth understanding of lights and surface propertiex before they can use the capablities of the GPU.
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