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Mastering Apache Velocity (Java Open Source Library)
Mastering Apache Velocity (Java Open Source Library)
In the beginning, a Web page was a static entity that provided the same infor
mation to all visitors. Developers soon wanted the ability to provide unique
data for their users. A large assortment of technologies came along to
address this desire--technologies like PHP, ASP, and JSP. While these languages
do solve the problem,
Living Well with Parkinson's
Living Well with Parkinson's
Glenna Atwood shared her experiences and insights about how
she and her family coped with Parkinson’s disease in the first edition
of Living Well with Parkinson’s.

Her words were educational and inspirational to many people
affected by this intrusion in their life’s plan. Glenna, with Blaine—...
The New Rules of Retirement: Strategies for a Secure Future
The New Rules of Retirement: Strategies for a Secure Future

"As a Wharton graduate, money manager, Chief Financial Officer, and Certified Financial Analyst, I didn't think I needed help in making investment choices and planning for my retirement. I was wrong. I have been a subscriber to Retirement Watch since 1997. I trust Bob Carlson completely and follow his...

The Parenting Skills Treatment Planner (Practice Planners)
The Parenting Skills Treatment Planner (Practice Planners)
The Bestselling treatment planning system for mental health professionals

The Parenting Skills Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal review agencies.

Digital Animation Bible: Creating Professional Animation with 3ds Max, Lightwave, and Maya
Digital Animation Bible: Creating Professional Animation with 3ds Max, Lightwave, and Maya


Essential to today's commercials, feature films, games corporate presentations, and education digital animation is the hottest career prospect in the media creation business. In this new
Maya 6 Revealed (Naked)
Maya 6 Revealed (Naked)
Maya is a program, created by Alias, used to model, animate, and render 3D scenes. 3D
scenes created with Maya have appeared in movies, television, advertisements, games,
product visualizations, and on the Web. With Maya, you can create and animate
your own 3D scenes and render them as still images or as animation sequences....
Mathematics for Game Developers (Game Development)
Mathematics for Game Developers (Game Development)
Math is a fundamental part of any game developer’s programming arsenal.Without
a strong understanding of math, you can easily waste days solving a problem
in a game that, in reality, is as simple as 1-2-3. If you’re considering
programming a game that is even slightly complicated, you must realize that it is crucial...
PHP 5 / MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner
PHP 5 / MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner
Computer programming has often been seen as a difficult and arcane
skill. Programming languages are difficult and complicated, out of the
typical person’s reach. However, the advent of the World Wide Web has
changed that to some extent. It’s reasonably easy to build and post a
Web page for the entire world to see.
Internet Explorer Construction Kit For Dummies
Internet Explorer Construction Kit For Dummies
Personalize your browser or build one just for your business

Create a G-rated browser for your kids or one geared toward your hobbies

Think you can build a better browser than those big guys? Go for it! You don't need a degree in programming, just these easy-to-follow instructions and the tools on the CD-ROM. Make your browser...

Special Edition Using Linux
Special Edition Using Linux
Linux is a significant force in the server room and the desktop, delivering reliability, ease of installation and administration, high performance, security, and robust applications. Special Edition Using Linux 6E is written to the just-released 2.4.x kernel and includes the following topics: installation and configuration of Red Hat Linux, Caldera...
Powerpoint 2003 Just The Steps For Dummies
Powerpoint 2003 Just The Steps For Dummies
Insert an Action Button

  1. Open a presentation in PowerPoint.
  2. Go to the slide on which you want to insert an action button.
  3. Choose Slide Show?Action Buttons.
  4. Choose your desired button from the submenu, as shown in Figure 13-15.
  5. ...
Naked Vegas 5
Naked Vegas 5
Naked? Admittedly, the title is an attention getter. It also
describes exactly what you’ll get: the information you need to
create compelling video with Vegas without fluff or filler to
super-size the book so it will stand out on the shelves. What
you’ll find in each chapter are step-by-step lessons that help...
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