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Understanding .NET (2nd Edition)
Understanding .NET (2nd Edition)

Microsoft's .NET is revolutionizing Windows-based software development. Since its initial release in 2002, .NET has changed significantly, becoming the foundation for a new generation of Windows applications. The .NET Framework and Visual Studio, the two core aspects of this initiative, provide a multilanguage environment in which developers can...

Firewall Fundamentals
Firewall Fundamentals

The essential guide to understanding and using firewalls to protect personal computers and your network

  • An easy-to-read introduction to the most commonly deployed network security device

  • Understand the threats firewalls are designed to...

Effective Use of Microsoft Enterprise Library: Building Blocks for Creating Enterprise Applications and Services
Effective Use of Microsoft Enterprise Library: Building Blocks for Creating Enterprise Applications and Services

Writing robust enterprise applications presents a special challenge for developers, but Microsoft has addressed that challenge with the free, downloadable Enterprise Library for the .NET Framework.

Enterprise Library is a collection of application blocks and guidance documents that together provide functionality common to enterprise...

Quartz Job Scheduling Framework: Building Open Source Enterprise Applications
Quartz Job Scheduling Framework: Building Open Source Enterprise Applications

Integrate Powerful Scheduling Capabilities into Any Java Application or Environment


If your Java applications depend on tasks that must be performed at specific times or if your systems have recurring maintenance jobs that could be automated,...

Java Concurrency in Practice
Java Concurrency in Practice

"Java Concurrency in Practice is an invaluable compilation of threading know-how for Java developers. I found reading this book intellectually exciting, in part because it is an excellent introduction to Java's concurrency API, but mostly because it captures in a thorough and accessible way expert knowledge...

XML Problem Design Solution (Programmer to Programmer)
XML Problem Design Solution (Programmer to Programmer)
This nuts-and-bolts guide shows you the power of XML by presenting an enterprise application problem that you'll design a program to solve throughout the book. Each chapter takes one part of the featured project and leads you through the design of its solution. The team of experienced authors gradually walks you through sections of increasing...
Sams Teach Yourself HTML in 10 Minutes (4th Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself HTML in 10 Minutes (4th Edition)

Don't let a lack of free time keep you from learning HTML to build better websites! Sams Teach Yourself HTML in 10 Minutes, Fourth Edition is a compact, task-oriented tutorial that will show you how to perform the most common tasks involved in designing, creating, publishing,...

Sams Teach Yourself AJAX in 10 Minutes
Sams Teach Yourself AJAX in 10 Minutes

Sams Teach Yourself Ajax in 10 Minutes

 is a concise introduction to the basics of building Ajax applications and the architecture and operation of these applications. You will learn the techniques employed in using Ajax, introducing Ajax and explaining how it may...

Pro JSF and Ajax: Building Rich Internet Components
Pro JSF and Ajax: Building Rich Internet Components
Since JavaServer Faces first arrived on the Internet technology stage as the new standard
for building Java-based Web applications, it has gained significant attention from the Java EE
Web development community.Many developers are excited that they can use the standard
JavaServer Faces HTML Basic RenderKit to create HTML-based Web
Pro ASP.NET 2.0 in VB 2005
Pro ASP.NET 2.0 in VB 2005
This book is intended as a primer for professional developers who have reasonable knowledge of
server-side web development. This book doesn’t provide an exhaustive look at every ingredient in
the .NET Framework—in fact, such a book would require twice as many pages. Instead, this book
provides a lean, intelligent
Introducing Microsoft  Windows Vista
Introducing Microsoft Windows Vista
Your insider's preview of the next release of Microsoft Windows.

What's new and improved in the newest release of the Microsoft Windows family of client operating systems? Which versions of Windows Vista are right for you and your organization? How will the new features and capabilities in Windows Vista improve security, make users more
Programming Microsoft  Visual C#  2005: The Language
Programming Microsoft Visual C# 2005: The Language

Get hands-on, expert guidance for developing with Visual C# 2005.

Get the essential, straightforward information you need to master the core capabilities of Visual C# 2005. Both new and experienced developers get expert guidance, hands-on programming instruction, and practical examples to help advance their proficiency in developing...

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