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Professional .NET Framework 2.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional .NET Framework 2.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
As the .NET Framework and Common Language Runtime (CLR) continue to mature in terms of platform adoption, robustness, reliability, and feature richness, developers have an increasing need to understand the foundation on top of which all managed code runs. This book looks at the underlying platform commonalities that all developers can use,...
iPhoto 6: The Missing Manual
iPhoto 6: The Missing Manual

If you used iPhoto when it first came out, you'll remember the way it slowed to a crawl once you loaded it with about 2,000 photos. Compare that to this year's model: iPhoto 6 can handle as many as 250,000 images and still have the power to run a host of suped-up features. Its new software engine lets you make changes with a...

Selective Sweep (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)
Selective Sweep (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)
Positive selection is the driving force for the adaptation of organisms
to an ever-changing environment, and it leads to adaptive evolution and in
some cases to speciation. When selective pressure is applied to individuals
based on their phenotype, it ultimately leads to the changes in the underlying
genetic content of the
Firefox For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Firefox For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Make your online world safer, easier, and a lot more fun, for free!

Firefox is a lot like a For Dummies book — designed to make things easier for the rest of us. Now, one of the guys who invented it shows you how to use the browser made for people, not programmers. This book shows how you can view multiple Web pages...

The Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite
The Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite
mod_rewrite, frequently called the “Swiss Army Knife” of URL manipulation, is one
of the most popular—and least understood—modules in the Apache Web Server’s bag of
tricks. In this chapter we’ll discuss what it is, why it’s necessary, and the basics of using it.
For many people, mod_rewrite
Red Hat Fedora 5 Unleashed
Red Hat Fedora 5 Unleashed

Continuing with the tradition of offering the best and most comprehensive coverage of Red Hat Linux on the market, Red Hat Fedora 5 Unleashed includes new and additional material based on the latest release of Red Hat's Fedora Core Linux distribution. Incorporating an advanced approach to...

Cpanel User Guide And Tutorial
Cpanel User Guide And Tutorial
This book is designed to provide in-depth information for anyone who needs assistance with
cPanel web hosting software. If you've never managed your own website before you will be able
to confidently use the many features cPanel provides after reading this book. Even intermediate
and advanced users of cPanel will likely learn many
Storage Networking Protocol Fundamentals
Storage Networking Protocol Fundamentals

A concise introduction to storage networking protocols

Introduces network administrators to the requirements of storage protocols

Compares and contrasts the basic functionality of Ethernet, IP, and Fibre Channel

The Fundamental series from Cisco Press...

Suse Linux
Suse Linux

SUSE Linux: A Complete Guide to Novell's Community Distribution will get you up to speed quickly and easily on SUSE, one of the most friendly and usable Linux distributions around. From quick and easy installation to excellent hardware detection and support, it's no wonder SUSE is one of the most...

ASP.NET 2.0 Illustrated (Microsoft .Net Development Series)
ASP.NET 2.0 Illustrated (Microsoft .Net Development Series)

Developers moving to ASP.NET 2.0, the breakthrough Web development environment from Microsoft, will want to learn how to take full advantage of the new features that make this the most productive and powerful Web development environment ever. ASP.NET 2.0 Illustrated teaches developers exactly what they need to know to...

Flickr Hacks: Tips & Tools for Sharing Photos Online
Flickr Hacks: Tips & Tools for Sharing Photos Online

Over two million registered Flickr users and counting have discovered the ease and fun of organizing their photo libraries, showing off their favorite pictures to the world, and securely sharing their private pictures with friends, family, or ad hoc groups. But Flickr's own plethora of intuitive menus, options, and features just...

Implementing 802.11, 802.16, and 802.20 Wireless Networks: Planning, Troubleshooting, and Operations
Implementing 802.11, 802.16, and 802.20 Wireless Networks: Planning, Troubleshooting, and Operations

For nearly a century, voice communications networks have been king of the hill. The growth of the Internet in the 1990’s has given rise to the need for data communications networks that are as well developed and flexible as the voice networks that are currently in place. Broadband connectivity has become available in certain places...

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