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Pro Perl Parsing
Pro Perl Parsing
Over the course of the past decade, we have all been witnesses to an explosion of information,
in terms of both the amounts of knowledge that exists within the world and the
availability of such information, with the proliferation of the World Wide Web being a
prime example. Although these advancements of knowledge have undoubtedly
Excel 2002 Power Programming with VBA
Excel 2002 Power Programming with VBA
Excel 2002 Power Programming with VBA Develop Powerful, User-Oriented Excel 2002 Applications With this unique guide, renowned spreadsheet authority John Walkenbach invites you to harness the full potential of Excel—and join the elite group of users and developers who truly understand what the product is capable of. Offering plenty of...
System Level Design of Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip
System Level Design of Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip
This book presents the perspective of the ADRIATIC project for the
design of reconfigurable systems-on-chip, as perceived in the course of the
research during 2001 - 2004. The project provided: (a) a high-level
hardware/software co-design and co-verification methodology and tools for
reconfigurable systems-on-chip, supplemented
Red Hat Fedora Linux 2 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
Red Hat Fedora Linux 2 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
9 books in 1– one great price for nine handy, quick reference guides!

Your one-stop guide to the latest release of this popular Linux distribution

Get ready to tip your hat to the latest version of Fedora! From installing Fedora on your PC and using OpenOffice.org to securing your system and setting up servers, the nine...

Running IPv6
Running IPv6
This is a book about running the IPv6 protocol in heterogeneous environments. It will tell
you how to enable the protocol on Windows, MacOS, FreeBSD, Linux, and Cisco routers, and,
up to a point, on Juniper routers. The intent behind the book is to present a clear view of the
aspects to IPv6 that are of interest to those who’ll
Trusted Computing Platforms: Design and Applications
Trusted Computing Platforms: Design and Applications
Many scenarios in modern computing give rise to a common problem: why
should Alice trust computation that’s occurring at Bob’s machine? (The computer
security field likes to talk about “Alice” and “Bob” and protection against
an “adversary” with certain abilities.) What if Bob, or
Building Online Communities With Drupal, phpBB, and WordPress
Building Online Communities With Drupal, phpBB, and WordPress
Building an online community can be a daunting task. Countless different applications are
available for you to use as the foundation of your community. When I first envisioned this book,
I saw that online communities were primarily based on three different types of applications:
content management systems, bulletin boards, and blogs.
Blackboard For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Blackboard For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
On your way to class with another three-foot stack of handouts to dole
out? Just told to add a 16th office hour to your already hectic calendar?
Wrist cramping from grading all those exams? The Blackboard Learning
System can help you out! This rich, online course-management system provides
you, the instructor, with the tools to
GUI Bloopers: Don'ts and Do's for Software Developers and Web Designers
GUI Bloopers: Don'ts and Do's for Software Developers and Web Designers
GUI Bloopers looks at user interface design bloopers from commercial software, Web sites, and information appliances, explaining how intelligent, well-intentioned professionals made these dreadful mistakes--and how you can avoid them. While equipping you with all the theory needed to learn from these examples, GUI expert Jeff Johnson also presents...
Voice over 802.11 (Artech House Telecommunications Library)
Voice over 802.11 (Artech House Telecommunications Library)
An understanding of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and how it is
potentially going to be replaced is best grasped by understanding its three major
components: access, switching, and transport. Access pertains to how a user
accesses the network. Switching refers to how a call is “switched” or routed...
The Incredible Payback: Innovative Sourcing Solutions That Deliver Extraordinary Results
The Incredible Payback: Innovative Sourcing Solutions That Deliver Extraordinary Results
The thrill is gone.

You are in the first seat of the intergalactic thrill ride of your
life—you got on expecting a few twists and turns; the attendant
locked you in the seat; and now your neck hurts, your hands grip
the rail, pieces of clothing and popcorn boxes are flying by, and
you’ve had enough, you
Web Copy That Sells: The Revolutionary Formula for Creating Killer Copy Every Time
Web Copy That Sells: The Revolutionary Formula for Creating Killer Copy Every Time
It never fails. When people ask me what I do for a living, and I say, “I write web copy,” I’m met with blank stares. Web copy is such a new term even those who have an Internet presence hardly recognize it. I quickly explain, “Web copy simply means the words that make visitors to your website pull out their credit cards and...
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