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Microsoft Windows Vista Unveiled
Microsoft Windows Vista Unveiled
Microsoft Windows Vista Unveiled is an in-depth exploration of the public release Beta 2 version of Windows Vista, Microsoft's next major operating system and the successor to Windows XP. Whether you're just planning ahead for a future upgrade or running Beta 2 already, Microsoft Windows Vista Unveiled takes you on...
A Developer's Guide to SQL Server 2005 (Microsoft .Net Development)
A Developer's Guide to SQL Server 2005 (Microsoft .Net Development)
Few technologies have been as eagerly anticipated as Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Now, two SQL Server insiders deliver the definitive hands-on guide--accurate, comprehensive, and packed with examples. A Developer's Guide to SQL Server 2005 starts where Microsoft's documentation, white papers, and Web...
Macromedia Flash 8 Bible
Macromedia Flash 8 Bible
"When I'm planning the FlashBelt conference, Reinhardt is the first one I call. His knowledge reaches to the farthest corners of the software."
Dave Schroeder, Director, FlashBelt conferences; Owner, PilotVibe Music and Sound Design

If Macromedia Flash 8 can do it, you can do it too ......

Java for ColdFusion Developers
Java for ColdFusion Developers

The first Java guide specifically for experienced ColdFusion developers and Web professionals!

  • Leverage your Web and ColdFusion skills to develop powerful Java applications
  • Master JSP, servlets, custom tags, JavaBeans, JDBC, and other key Java Web technologies
  • Install and run Apache Tomcat 4 and...
Skills for Managing Rapidly Changing IT Projects
Skills for Managing Rapidly Changing IT Projects
The subject of this book is the skills that are needed for managing software
projects in the Internet era, when projects evolve rapidly, requirements change
often, and new methodologies, techniques, and tools for management emerge.
In this book, I have tried to transfer all my experience and the lessons learned
about the
Forensic Engineering Investigation
Forensic Engineering Investigation
Forensic engineering is the application of engineering principles, knowledge,
skills, and methodologies to answer questions of fact that may have legal
ramifications. Forensic engineers typically are called upon to analyze car
accidents, building collapses, fires, explosions, industrial accidents, and various
Pro Eclipse JST: Plug-ins for J2EE Development
Pro Eclipse JST: Plug-ins for J2EE Development
Developing enterprise Java applications using Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is difficult enough.
Developers need to use good integrated development environments (IDEs) and tools to simplify
the complexity and increase developer productivity. The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) project
is one such collection of tools. WTP is the
Early Detection and Management of Mental Disorders
Early Detection and Management of Mental Disorders
A common theme in the recent literature on most mental disorders is that
they often remain undetected and untreated for quite a long time, not rarely
for several years, after the occurrence of their first manifestations. For some
disorders – namely bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and some anxiety
disorders – clinical
Image and Video Encryption: From Digital Rights Management to Secured Personal Communication
Image and Video Encryption: From Digital Rights Management to Secured Personal Communication
Contrasting to classical encryption‚ security may not be the most important
aim for an encryption system for images and videos. Depending on the type
of application‚ other properties (like speed or bitstream compliance after encryption)
might be equally important as well. As an example‚ the terms “soft...
Managing the IT Services Process (Computer Weekly Professional)
Managing the IT Services Process (Computer Weekly Professional)
I wrote this book because IT is changing. It is becoming more
service-oriented and talking with increasing sincerity in terms
of ‘customers’ of IT. Ten years ago that sort of thinking would
have been rare, but now it is commonplace.

It is safe to say that the vanguard of the new service ethos in IT
was the
AD HOC NETWORKS: Technologies and Protocols
AD HOC NETWORKS: Technologies and Protocols
Wireless mobile networks and devices are becoming increasingly popular as
they provide users access to information and communication anytime and anywhere.
Conventional wireless mobile communications are usually supported
by a wired fixed infrastructure. A mobile device would use a single-hop wireless
radio communication to
Concurrency Theory: Calculi an Automata for Modelling Untimed and Timed Concurrent Systems
Concurrency Theory: Calculi an Automata for Modelling Untimed and Timed Concurrent Systems
In the world we live in concurrency is the norm. For example, the human body
is a massively concurrent system, comprising a huge number of cells, all simultaneously
evolving and independently engaging in their individual biological
processing. In addition, in the biological world, truly sequential systems rarely
arise. However,
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