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Information Systems: Achieving Success by Avoiding Failure
Information Systems: Achieving Success by Avoiding Failure
Despite people’s best efforts information systems are particularly prone to failure. Some systems never materialize, others appear late and/or over budget and those that are implemented often fail to deliver the promised levels of performance. The consequences of these failures affect people throughout the organization concerned and beyond,...
Building the Bridge As You Walk On It: A Guide for Leading Change
Building the Bridge As You Walk On It: A Guide for Leading Change
Dare to become a leader who inspires others

"Quinn’s work captures a crucial truth about great leadership–that it is about who we are and not what we do. In facing our fears and harnessing our uniqueness, we bring forth the capacity for inspired leadership and for enduring change. Robert Quinn is a gifted storyteller. This is...

A+ Certification Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 220-301, Exam Cram 220-302), Second Edition
A+ Certification Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 220-301, Exam Cram 220-302), Second Edition

A+ Exam Cram 2 is a study skill enhancement and tutorial, designed to focus on exactly what students need to get A+ certified, with coverage of exams 220-221 and 220-222. It details all the new exam objectives and items in the following areas: Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows NT version 4.0. Because the A+ certification is a core competency...

Don't Give Me That Attitude!: 24 Rude, Selfish, Insensitive Things Kids Do and How to Stop Them
Don't Give Me That Attitude!: 24 Rude, Selfish, Insensitive Things Kids Do and How to Stop Them
Does Your Child Have Attitude?
  • Does your kid never take no for an answer and demand things go his way?
  • Do her theatrics leave you drained at the end of the day?
  • Are you resorting to bribes and threats to get your kid to do chores?
  • Does he cheat, complain, or blame others for his...
Technologies for the Wireless Future: Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)
Technologies for the Wireless Future: Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)
As 3G mobile communication systems are being deployed, the research community is now focusing on the research needed for the long-term evolution of 3G and 4G systems. This fully updated second volume of the successful Technologies for the Wireless Future is a unique and timely book, presenting up-to-the-minute ideas and trends in mobile...
Contemporary Theory of Conservation
Contemporary Theory of Conservation
This essay deals with contemporary theory of conservation.
Perhaps the boldest thesis in the text is the very idea that a contemporary
theory of conservation actually exists. No one doubts
that there are a number of schemes, ideas and opinions – of theories
or fragments of theories that differ to a greater or lesser...
Wiki: Web Collaboration
Wiki: Web Collaboration
Imagine you are surfing the Internet, and you stop at a site where
you could and would like to add or modify something. For instance,
you have a literary reference or link to add. Or you've noticed a typing
error. Perhaps you even have a lengthy article that you'd like to
display on a separate page. So, you just click on the
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting (IDC Technology)
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting (IDC Technology)
This is a comprehensive book covering the essentials of troubleshooting and problem solving of
industrial data communications systems including areas such as RS-232, RS-485, industrial protocols
such as Modbus, fiber optics, industrial Ethernet, TCP/IP, DeviceNet and Fieldbus protocols such as
Profibus and Foundation Fieldbus. It can
Build the Ultimate Custom PC
Build the Ultimate Custom PC

Take control of your PC!

Why do they load up a PC with stuff you don't need and leave off the things you really want? Don't take it anymore! Grab a screwdriver and let these two experts show you how to build the PC of your dreams, even if you've never cracked a case before. You'll learn to choose...

A Primer of Signal Detection Theory
A Primer of Signal Detection Theory
Signal Detection Theory (SDT) has had, and continues to have, an
enormous impact on many branches of psychology. Although its initial
applications were in the interpretation of sensory processes, its domain
has since widened considerably. For example, concepts derived
from SDT are widely used in memory research and in studies of
Formula One Racing for Dummies
Formula One Racing for Dummies
Formula One racing is the pinnacle of motor racing around the world. These days, the sport is a truly global circus. At almost every race on the calendar, more than 120,000 spectators cram into the grandstands and spectator banking, all vying for a view of the millionaire superstar drivers. At the same time, in 150 countries worldwide, more than...
Mining the Web: Analysis of Hypertext and Semi Structured Data (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
Mining the Web: Analysis of Hypertext and Semi Structured Data (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data is the first book devoted entirely to techniques for extracting and producing knowledge from the vast body of unstructured Web data. Building on an initial survey of infrastructural issuesincluding Web crawling and indexingChakrabarti examines machine learning techniques as...
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