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International Assignments: An Integration of Strategy, Research, and Practice
International Assignments: An Integration of Strategy, Research, and Practice
Although the authors of this book and I approach the strategic challenges of globalization
from different perspectives, we've come to a similar conclusion: that the
"people" imperative is often overlooked when companies decide to enter new
countries or world regions. Stroh, Black, Mendenhall, and Gregersen base their...
PC Magazine Windows XP Security Solutions
PC Magazine Windows XP Security Solutions
Think you're safe?

Guess what?

Studies have estimated that up to 90 percent of computers are infected by some security threat or another. There's a good chance yours is among them, but any computer can be easily secured to a high level-if you know what you're doing.

They're out there. Trust PC Magazine to...

Telecosmos: The Next Great Telecom Revolution
Telecosmos: The Next Great Telecom Revolution
An insider's guide to the exciting future of telecommunications

The last great telecommunications revolution brought us fiber optics, mobile phones, videoconferencing, and a host of other innovations that improved life and business and connected individuals in ways never imagined. Now emerging technologies such as Voice over Internet Protocol...

Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design (IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory)
Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design (IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory)

This publication is the first comprehensive treatment of conformal antenna arrays from an engineering perspective. There are journal and conference papers that treat the field of conformal antenna arrays, but they are typically theoretical in nature. While providing a thorough foundation in theory, the authors of this publication provide readers...

Intrusion Detection with SNORT: Advanced IDS Techniques Using SNORT, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and ACID
Intrusion Detection with SNORT: Advanced IDS Techniques Using SNORT, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and ACID

Protect your network with Snort: the high-performance, open source IDS

Snort gives network administrators an open source intrusion detection system that outperforms proprietary alternatives. Now, Rafeeq Ur Rehman explains and simplifies every aspect of deploying and managing Snort in your network. You'll discover how to monitor all...

Managing the Risks of Payments Systems
Managing the Risks of Payments Systems
Identify and manage payment risk

The risks of payment systems have dramatically evolved…new laws, new technologies, new threats combined with the chronic problems of error, fraud, and security. Treasury and banking executives and their counsel ignore these risks at their peril. "We didn’t know" is no excuse.

The Definitive Guide to Building Java Robots
The Definitive Guide to Building Java Robots

If you want off-the-shelf robot components, free software, and development tools, this is the book for you. You can download all the software—it’s GPL (General Public License) or Apache License—and you can purchase the components from your favorite robot supplier and/or hobby shop. The following sections outline the...

Getting a Job in CG: Real Advice from Reel People
Getting a Job in CG: Real Advice from Reel People
Get the Inside Track to Landing an Enviable Job in Computer Graphics

Breaking into the wildly creative and fiery 3D/Effects industry is a tough proposition. With so many talented people competing for each alluring job, it’s imperative that candidates grasp what employers look for and make every attempt to
Integrated Image and Graphics Technologies (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
Integrated Image and Graphics Technologies (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
Image technology is a continually evolving field with various applications such as image processing and analysis, biometrics, pattern recognition, object tracking, remote sensing, medicine diagnoses and multimedia. Significant progress has been made in the level of interest in image morphology, neural networks, full color image processing, image...
The Information Security Dictionary: Defining the Terms that Define Security for E-Business, Internet, Information and Wireless Technology
The Information Security Dictionary: Defining the Terms that Define Security for E-Business, Internet, Information and Wireless Technology
If this book is to succeed and help readers, its cardinal virtue must be to provide
a simple reference text. It should be an essential addition to an information
security library. As such it should also serve the purpose of being a quick
refresher for terms the reader has not seen since the days when one attended a
Introduction to Forensic Sciences, Second Edition
Introduction to Forensic Sciences, Second Edition
This work is dedicated to students at all levels of education, who are interested
in the fascinating field of forensic science. The contents of this book, by
outstanding contributors, provides the reader with information on the various
fields of forensic science that may help them make a career choice or
add to their present
Pro JSP 2, Fourth Edition (Expert's Voice in Java)
Pro JSP 2, Fourth Edition (Expert's Voice in Java)
Welcome to the fourth edition of Professional JSP, designed to help new and experienced
Java developers alike discover the power (and even the joy) of creating Java-based server-side
solutions for the Web by using JavaServer Pages, or JSP for short. If you’ve programmed with
JSP before, you’ll find that the new features
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