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Building Websites With Joomla!: A step by step tutorial to getting your Joomla! CMS website up fast
Building Websites With Joomla!: A step by step tutorial to getting your Joomla! CMS website up fast
This book is being written in a small village in Sachsen-Anhalt in Germany, among other places. I live in this village. There is no access to DSL here; there are no public WLAN hotspots, no UMTS, no large companies and no city noise.

My work consists of activities like lecturing, advising, listening, testing and trying, programming,
Configuring Sonicwall Firewalls
Configuring Sonicwall Firewalls
Every enterprise requires at least one firewall to provide the backbone for its network
security architecture. Firewalls are the core component of your network’s security.
The risks today have greatly increased, so the call for a stronger breed of firewall
has been made. In the past, simple packet-filtering firewalls allowing
Survivability and Traffic Grooming in WDM Optical Networks
Survivability and Traffic Grooming in WDM Optical Networks
Technological advances in semiconductor products have essentially been the primary
driver for the growth of networking that led to improvements and simplification
in the long-distance communication infrastructure in the twentieth century.Two
major networks of networks, the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and the...
Strategies for Growth in SMEs: The Role of Information and Information Sytems
Strategies for Growth in SMEs: The Role of Information and Information Sytems
Over the last decade, the rise in the importance of information and
knowledge for business activity has been phenomenal. Globalization
has become a reality and competition is more dynamic (Porter, 1998) as
firms source materials and manufacture goods in many locations, while
innovation is vital for future business growth.
2D Object Detection and Recognition: Models, Algorithms, and Networks
2D Object Detection and Recognition: Models, Algorithms, and Networks
This book is about detecting and recognizing 2D objects in gray-level images. Howare
models constructed? Howare they trained? What are the computational approaches to
efficient implementation on a computer? And finally, how can some of these computations
be implemented in the framework of parallel and biologically plausible neural...
AAA and Network Security for Mobile Access: Radius, Diameter, EAP, PKI and IP Mobility
AAA and Network Security for Mobile Access: Radius, Diameter, EAP, PKI and IP Mobility
AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting) describes a framework for intelligently controlling access to network resources, enforcing policies, and providing the information necessary to bill for services. 

AAA and Network Security for Mobile Access is an invaluable guide to the AAA concepts and framework, including its...

Online Storage Systems and Transportation Problems with Applications: Optimization Models and Mathematical Solutions
Online Storage Systems and Transportation Problems with Applications: Optimization Models and Mathematical Solutions
This book covers the analysis and development of online algorithms
involving exact optimization and heuristic techniques, and their application
to solve two real life problems.

The first problem is concerned with a complex technical system: a
special carousel based high-speed storage system - Rotastore. It is shown...
Practical DV Filmmaking, Second Edition
Practical DV Filmmaking, Second Edition
Since this book was first published in its first edition in 2002, it appeared to be prepared for the brave
new world of the DV revolution. But in the accelerated development of current filmmaking, it later
needed much revising to reflect what could be termed the post-revolutionary DV world. Arrivals such
as streaming, web film and
Unix in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition
Unix in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition

As an open operating system, Unix can be improved on by anyone and everyone: individuals, companies, universities, and more. As a result, the very nature of Unix has been altered over the years by numerous extensions formulated in an assortment of versions. Today, Unix encompasses everything from Sun's Solaris to Apple's Mac...

Sams Teach Yourself HTML and CSS in 24 Hours (7th Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself HTML and CSS in 24 Hours (7th Edition)

Learn from the newest, updated edition of the highly acclaimed introduction to HTML, Sams Teach Yourself HTML and CSS In 24 Hours. The seventh edition includes updates to introduce Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in concert with HTML to produce quality web pages. You'll be able...

Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes, Third Edition
Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes, Third Edition

Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes has established itself as the gold standard for introductory SQL books, offering a fast-paced accessible tutorial to the major themes and techniques involved in applying the SQL language. Forta's examples are clear and his writing style is crisp and concise. As with earlier editions, this revision includes...

SSH, the Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide
SSH, the Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide
Are you serious about network security? Then check out SSH, the Secure Shell, which provides key-based authentication and transparent encryption for your network connections. It's reliable, robust, and reasonably easy to use, and both free and commercial implementations are widely available for most operating systems. While it doesn't solve every...
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