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Palm & Treo Hacks
Palm & Treo Hacks

Palm OS is one of the most popular handheld operating systems on the planet. From the newest Tungstens and Treos all the way down the family tree, Palms are everywhere. Although the Palm OS is simple to learn and use, there is more to it than meets the eye--from new features in the Palm to capabilities you can get with add-on...

Access 2003 for Starters: The Missing Manual
Access 2003 for Starters: The Missing Manual

Maybe you got Access as part of Microsoft Office and wonder what it can do for you and your household; maybe you're a small business manager and don't have a techie on staff to train the office in Microsoft Access. Regardless, you want to quickly get your feet wet--but not get in over your head--and ...

Novell ZENworks 7 Linux Management Administrator's Handbook
Novell ZENworks 7 Linux Management Administrator's Handbook

Novell ZENworks Linux Management Administrator's Handbook is the official guide to ZENworks Linux Management, written by Ron Tanner, Novell ZENworks product manager, and Richard Whitehead, Novell ZENworks product marketing...

Microsoft .NET and J2EE Interoperability Toolkit
Microsoft .NET and J2EE Interoperability Toolkit

Discover how to build applications that run on both the Microsoft .NET Framework and Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE)—and extend your customer reach and system shelf life. Whether your background is in .NET or J2EE, you’ll learn to implement many of the interoperability technologies available today, including Microsoft, Sun, and...

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Distilled
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Distilled

A concise yet deep guide to the most important tasks faced by Exchange administrators, from one of the most prominent experts on Exchange

  • Exchange is the market leading e-mail server; Exchange 2003 has been widely praised, and is...

Excel for Starters: Exactly What You Need to Get Started (Missing Manual)
Excel for Starters: Exactly What You Need to Get Started (Missing Manual)

The dominant spreadsheet program and one of the most widely used software applications in the world, Microsoft Excel is unbelievably powerful--and can be downright intimidating. If you're new to Excel or among the many existing Excel users who are dazed and confused by all that the program can do (and by how little it has...

Real Time UML: Advances in the UML for Real-Time Systems (3rd Edition)
Real Time UML: Advances in the UML for Real-Time Systems (3rd Edition)
The increasing complexity of embedded and real-time systems requires a more premeditated and sophisticated design approach for successful implementation. The object-based Unified Modeling Language (UML) can describe the structural and behavioral aspects critical to real-time systems and has come to the fore as an outstanding medium for effective...
Astronomy Hacks
Astronomy Hacks

Do you relish viewing and identifying celestial objects? Whether you're a first timer or an advanced hobbyist, you will find Astronomy Hacks makes a brilliant cosmic companion. Why use the traditional approach in admiring and studying the stars when you can turn computers, handheld devices, and...

Building Portals, Intranets, and Corporate Web Sites Using Microsoft Servers, 1/e
Building Portals, Intranets, and Corporate Web Sites Using Microsoft Servers, 1/e

Building Portals, Intranets, and Corporate Web Sites Using Microsoft Servers is the practical guide to designing, developing, and implementing Web portals using Microsoft servers and the .NET Framework. James J. Townsend provides portal development teams with a working developer's overview of...

Enterprise Messaging Using JMS and IBM WebSphere
Enterprise Messaging Using JMS and IBM WebSphere
The real-world guide to JMS messaging with IBM WebSphere technologiesThis book offers start-to-finish guidance for building reliable, high-performance JMS-based messaging infrastructure with IBM WebSphere technologies.IBM expert Kareem Yusuf systematically introduces the latest versions of JMS—both 1.1 and 1.02b. Once you've thoroughly...
The Modern RPG IV Language, 3rd Edition
The Modern RPG IV Language, 3rd Edition

The Modern RPG IV Language has been a best-seller ever since its first edition was published in 1988. Then it was simply The Modern RPG Language, but like the language itself, the book has grown and expanded over the years as new features and function have been added to RPG. It has become the comprehensive text used by tens of...

Presenting Windows Workflow Foundation
Presenting Windows Workflow Foundation

Presenting Windows Workflow Foundation is a premium reference that provides information on a key part of WinFX, providing universally accessible and consistent workflow technology for the Windows platform. Windows Workflow Foundation delivers an API as part of WinFX and a workflow designer...

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