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IPod+iTunes for Windows and MAC in a Snap
IPod+iTunes for Windows and MAC in a Snap
You're driving to work and your favorite new song comes on the radio. A few hours later, you find yourself humming the tune as you work on reports. By the end of the day, your coworkers want to muzzle you because now they all also have that song stuck in their heads. Time for some new music? All you need is an iPod and ...
Word Annoyances
Word Annoyances

When most people think of word processing, they think of Microsoft Word. After all, it has been around for more than 20 years-practically an eternity in computer time. But Word has also provided its users-nearly everyone on the face of the planet-with an endless supply of annoyances. That is, until now. ...

Windows XP for Starters: Exactly What You Need to Get Started (Missing Manual)
Windows XP for Starters: Exactly What You Need to Get Started (Missing Manual)

Windows XP powers millions of PCs and is without a doubt the most widely used operating system in the world today. This rock solid operating system offers dozens of features for consumers, plus powerful applications and integrated networking tools all blended into an elegant interface. But working your way through all of these...

OpenGL(R) Shading Language
OpenGL(R) Shading Language
The OpenGL® Shading Language, a high-level procedural shading language for OpenGL®, is the most important new development in graphics programming to emerge in years. OpenGL is the leading cross-platform 3D-graphics API, and the OpenGL Shading Language allows developers to take total control over the most important stages of the...
Why Customers Come Back: How to Create Lasting Customer Loyalty
Why Customers Come Back: How to Create Lasting Customer Loyalty

Loyal customers are the most important asset of any company-more important than land, patents, equipment, or buildings. While finding new customers is often expensive, time-consuming, and ultimately unprofitable, retaining old customers is surprisingly easy and highly profitable. Companies with a loyal customer base enjoy greater profitability...

Outsourcing for Radical Change: A Bold Approach to Enterprise Transformation
Outsourcing for Radical Change: A Bold Approach to Enterprise Transformation

If you’re looking for a serious infusion of life-blood into your company, transformational outsourcing could be the answer. This new, bold approach is not just about handing off non-core functions in order to cut costs. It’s about transforming the entire operating model—to boost a company’s stock price, increase its...

Newton's Telecom Dictionary: Covering Telecommunications, Networking, Information Technology, Computing and the Internet (20th Edition)
Newton's Telecom Dictionary: Covering Telecommunications, Networking, Information Technology, Computing and the Internet (20th Edition)

Newton's Telecom Dictionary helps technology and business professionals stay on top of the ever-changing network, telecom, and IT industry. The tech industry hype has cooled dramatically, but nonetheless new telecom and networking technology and services continue to be adopted at a rapid pace, and new terms and acronyms sprout just as...

Integrating Excel and Access
Integrating Excel and Access

The Microsoft Office Suite is, in my opinion, the most useful set of applications in a corporate setting. Besides being easy to use and practically perfecting the "What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get" (WYSIWYG) display, the applications in Microsoft Office can work together to share information, produce reports, etc. The...

Yahoo! Hacks
Yahoo! Hacks

Yahoo! took the world by storm in the 1990s as a one-of-a-kind, searchable list of interesting web sites. But ten years later, it has expanded into a department store overflowing with useful and innovative tools and services-from email, blogging, social networking, and instant messaging, to news, financial markets, shopping,...

Internet Annoyances: How to Fix the Most Annoying Things about Going Online
Internet Annoyances: How to Fix the Most Annoying Things about Going Online
What began as an intrepid U.S. Government initiative in the early 1970's has turned into a global way of life. Indeed, with more than 500 million current users (and counting), the Internet has revolutionized the way societies function the world over. From dating and shopping online, to conducting informational research, to communicating via email,...
Cisco Field Manual: Catalyst Switch Configuration
Cisco Field Manual: Catalyst Switch Configuration

A complete, concise reference for implementing the most important features of the Cisco Catalyst family of switches

* Review detailed and comparative configuration steps for features of the COS and Cisco IOS Software operating systems
* Understand basic system and operating system management
* Configure Ethernet, EtherChannel,

Don't Think Pink: What Really Makes Women Buy -- and How to Increase Your Share of This Crucial Market
Don't Think Pink: What Really Makes Women Buy -- and How to Increase Your Share of This Crucial Market

Purchases by women now total trillions of dollars annually, accounting for 85% of all consumer expenditures. So, reaching women should be considered the number one priority for most businesses.

Don't Think Pink will help marketers see their brands through a woman's eyes, unlocking the secrets to developing products, services,...

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