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Photoshop Elements 4: The Missing Manual
Photoshop Elements 4: The Missing Manual

The popularity of digital cameras continues to grow exponentially. They are now more powerful, feature rich, and affordable--turning digital photography into a mainstream interest. And with Photoshop Elements, Adobe has created the most popular photo-editing program on the planet. Learning how to work Photoshop Elements and...

Managing Data with Excel (Business Solutions)
Managing Data with Excel (Business Solutions)
The Business Solutions series was created to provide professionals like you with books that are focused on a specific use or application of a software product. Managing Data with Excel is the ONLY book that focuses on efficient and effective data management, including designing the layout of data on the worksheet and knowing which functions to use...
Cubase SX/SL 2 Power!
Cubase SX/SL 2 Power!

"Cubase SX/SL 2 Power!" goes in-depth with the most important features of Cubase SX and SL 2. You'll also learn some of the lesser-known features that will allow you to take advantage of everything this impressive software has to offer. You'll cover the Freeze functionan attractive new addition to this version of...

Mac OS X Tiger: In a Nutshell
Mac OS X Tiger: In a Nutshell

The most popular and most complete desktop reference book on Mac OS X now covers Tiger!

Apple's Mac OS X operating system continues to capture the attention of consumers and programmers alike with its ability to run older Mac programs, classic Unix applications, and innovative open source...

Halo 2 Hacks: Tips & Tools for Finishing the Fight
Halo 2 Hacks: Tips & Tools for Finishing the Fight

Even if you've finished Halo 2 in Legendary Mode, you're not done with this game. Not by a long shot. You know there's a lot more you can squeeze out of Halo 2, and with the clever hacks we have in store, you'll turn the game into a whole new experience. Halo 2 Hacks is the creation of...

How Great Decisions Get Made: 10 Easy Steps for Reaching Agreement on Even the Toughest Issues
How Great Decisions Get Made: 10 Easy Steps for Reaching Agreement on Even the Toughest Issues

All too often, solving tough work issues can become a tug of war as clashing departments, priorities, personality styles, and other concerns threaten to destroy any possibility of a successful conclusion. But by sharing hopes, and focusing on information rather than debate, the path to agreement can become wonderfully clear.


Creating Web Sites: The Missing Manual
Creating Web Sites: The Missing Manual

Think you have to be a technical wizard to build a great web site? Think again. For anyone who wants to create an engaging web site--for either personal or business purposes--Creating Web Sites: The Missing Manual demystifies the process and provides tools, techniques, and expert guidance for...

The Laws of Software Process
The Laws of Software Process

Within one generation, software has become one of the principal sources of wealth in the world. The development and use of software has grown faster than for any artifact in the history of the world. Probably no topic or subject in history has accelerated in its rate of practice as software has. Software development now needs to mature into a...

Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
"The book Mastering WebLogic is a technical tour de force that reveals WebLogic’s inner workings and provides solid, pragmatic advice for high volume production deployments. If you are serious about using WebLogic Server, you should read this book."
—Richard Monson-Haefel, author of Enterprise JavaBeans, 3rd Edition
Adobe Creative Suite 2 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques
Adobe Creative Suite 2 How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques

The fully updated Adobe Creative Suite 2 Premium software (which includes Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, GoLive, and Acrobat) is a unified design environment. The Creative Suite 2 enables you to realize your ideas anywherein print, on the Web, or on mobile devices, and this info-packed guide lets users get right down to...

Mac OS X Tiger for Unix Geeks
Mac OS X Tiger for Unix Geeks

If you're one of the many Unix developers drawn to Mac OS X for its Unix core, you'll find yourself in surprisingly unfamiliar territory. Unix and Mac OS X are kissing cousins, but there are enough pitfalls and minefields in going from one to another that even a Unix guru can stumble, and most guides to Mac OS X are written...

Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art (Best Practices)
Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art (Best Practices)

Unlike other books that focus exclusively on the science of estimation—including rigid modeling techniques and continuous feedback loops that are not cost effective to most organizations—this unique guide offers practical, tested, hands-on advice for estimating software development costs in the real world. It is written by the...

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