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Mac OS X Tiger Unleashed
Mac OS X Tiger Unleashed

A best-seller that once showed you how to reign in a panther can now show you how to tame a Tiger. Mac OS X Tiger Unleashed is the most comprehensive guide to unlocking the full power of Mac OS X Tiger that you can find. Written by Unix/BSD experts and Mac users, ...

25 Things to Make and Do in Adobe Photoshop Elements 4
25 Things to Make and Do in Adobe Photoshop Elements 4

Are your photos getting lost in the cyberspace of your hard drive? 25 Things to Make and Do in Photoshop Elements 4 shows you how to instantly arrange all your photos by date, event, place, or subject for easy viewing, and then...

Adobe InDesign CS2 Classroom in a Book
Adobe InDesign CS2 Classroom in a Book
With its ever-tightening integration with Adobe's full suite of creative products and its own increasingly sophisticated feature set, InDesign is winning legions of Quark and FrameMaker converts. If you're among themor if you've decided to sidestep those programs altogetheryou need this book. In these pages, the Adobe Creative Team uses a series of...
Practical Development Environments
Practical Development Environments

This book doesn't tell you how to write faster code, or how to write code with fewer memory leaks, or even how to debug code at all. What it does tell you is how to build your product in better ways, how to keep track of the code that you write, and how to track the bugs in your code. Plus some more things you'll wish you had...

Running Mac OS X Tiger (Animal Guide)
Running Mac OS X Tiger (Animal Guide)

Running Mac OS X Tiger is the ideal resource for power users and system administrators like you who want to tweak Tiger, the new release of Mac OS X, to run faster, better, or just differently.

If you areready to dig deep into your Mac, this book expertly guides you to the core of Mac OS X. It...

Digital Video in a Snap
Digital Video in a Snap

These days, nobody really wants to learn everything there is to know about shooting, editing, and authoring digital movies. And even if you did, who has the time to endlessly tinker and play with it until you figure everything out?

You just want a book that will quickly show you how to get things done things that aren't already covered...

Office 2003 XML
Office 2003 XML
For many users, the appearance of Office 2003 has meant a slightly updated version of a familiar tool, another episode in the continuous development of a popular and widely-used piece of software. For some users, however, the appearance of Office 2003 is a herald of tumultuous change. This version of Office liberates the information stored in...
Hardcore Java
Hardcore Java

Studying a computer language is a career-long process. Many developers make the mistake of thinking that they have learned enough. They get caught in the corporate cycle of build-and-deploy and don't seek to expand their knowledge. However, we can hardly blame them for that.

For one, the...

The Instant Sales Pro: More Than 600 Tips and Techniques to Accelerate Your Sales Success
The Instant Sales Pro: More Than 600 Tips and Techniques to Accelerate Your Sales Success

For the sales professional with more energy than experience and more ambition than knowledge, the fast lane to success can be riddled with potholes. But the last thing these go-getters want to do is get bogged down with some huge book of sales techniques.

The Instant Sales Pro offers instead a quick yet comprehensive guide to...

Naked Employee, The: How Technology Is Compromising Workplace Privacy
Naked Employee, The: How Technology Is Compromising Workplace Privacy

Most people would be startled to know the many ways in which their employers are capable of intruding on privacy. Huge technological advances are steadily shrinking workers’ personal space, and it’s up to individuals to know which parts of their daily lives may fall under the corporate magnifying glass.

Corporations have the...

MySQL Crash Course (Sams Teach Yourself in 10 Minutes)
MySQL Crash Course (Sams Teach Yourself in 10 Minutes)

If you are a MySQL user who wants to find out more about the program, but is not interested in becoming a database administrator just to be able to read books on MySQL, then MySQL Crash Course is for you. This tutorial-based book is organized into a series of short, easy-to-follow lessons...

Performance by Design: Computer Capacity Planning By Example
Performance by Design: Computer Capacity Planning By Example

Practical systems modeling: planning performance, availability, security, and more

Computing systems must meet increasingly strict Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for performance, availability, security, and maintainability. To achieve these goals, designers, analysts, and capacity planners need a far more thorough understanding of...

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