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The Official XMLSPY Handbook
The Official XMLSPY Handbook
"The XMLSPY Handbook is your secret decoder ring to the entire world of XML and XMLSPY® 5."
–From the foreword by Alexander Falk,
President & CEO, Altova, Inc.

Here’s the only guide sanctioned by the XMLSPY company…

This is it – the only XMLSPY reference book...

ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution (Programmer to Programmer)
ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution (Programmer to Programmer)
Completely rewritten and fully updated for ASP.NET version 2.0, this example-driven book describes from start to finish how to design and implement in C# a complete ASP.NET 2.0 website that contains many of the features that you can expect to find in a modern content-related and e-commerce site: forums, polls, newsletters, article management,...
.NET Gotchas
.NET Gotchas
Like most complex tasks, .NET programming is fraught with potential costly, and time-consuming hazards. The millions of Microsoft developers worldwide who create applications for the .NET platform can attest to that. Thankfully there's now a book that shows you how to avoid such costly and time-consuming mistakes. It's called ...
Skype Hacks: Tips & Tools for Cheap, Fun, Innovative Phone Service
Skype Hacks: Tips & Tools for Cheap, Fun, Innovative Phone Service

If you've heard about Skype--and who hasn't with all the recent media attention devoted to internet telephone services--chances are you've been mighty tempted to try it out. Skype Hacks tells you what all the Skype hype is about, explains the basics, and shows you more than 100 clever tips and...

C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3 (Bruce Peren's Open Source)
C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3 (Bruce Peren's Open Source)
The first official Trolltech guide to Qt 3.2 programming!

Straight from Trolltech, this book covers all you need to build industrial-strength applications with Qt 3.2.x and C++--applications that run natively on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and embedded Linux with no source code changes! The book teaches solid Qt programming practices; it is...

Ultra-Wideband Communications: Fundamentals and Applications (Communications Engineering and Emerging Technologies)
Ultra-Wideband Communications: Fundamentals and Applications (Communications Engineering and Emerging Technologies)

Ultra-wideband (UWB) radios are expected to play a revolutionary role in the future of wireless communications systems. The great interest in UWB communications was sparked by FCC rulings in February 2002 that authorized the unlicensed commercial deployment of UWB technology under a strict power control in 7500 MHz of spectrum. This...

Sams Teach Yourself Windows XP Computer Basics All in One
Sams Teach Yourself Windows XP Computer Basics All in One

Have you ever wished you had just one book, a truly complete reference that tells you what you need to know about your new or upgraded computer? Have you wanted one that's written in plain talk, one that tells you what you need to know to get started, and one that takes you to the next level without being too techie? Have you...

The Enterprise Resource Planning Decade: Lessons Learned and Issues for the Future
The Enterprise Resource Planning Decade: Lessons Learned and Issues for the Future

The Enterprise Resource Planning Decade: Lessons Learned and Issues for the Future presents an investigation into the rationale for ERP by raising key questions that managers should ask themselves prior to considering ERP, including processes that should be followed in planning when acquiring ERP.

It concentrates on the impact...

Absolute Beginner's Guide to VBA
Absolute Beginner's Guide to VBA

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a set of tools based on the Visual Basic language. The great thing about using it to enhance Office applications is that it's easier to learn than Visual Basic and it comes with your Office license. After reading this book, the reader will be proficient in the VBA language and will have...

Electronic Monitoring in the Workplace: Controversies and Solutions
Electronic Monitoring in the Workplace: Controversies and Solutions

Due to the use of new technologies, coupled with the fact that there is an increasing amount of work being done online, whether on the Internet, intranets, LANs or other networks, extensive employee monitoring by employers is inexpensive and easy. Employers have legitimate concerns about the efficiency of their employees and the quality of the...

Rapid Application Development with Mozilla
Rapid Application Development with Mozilla

A must-have read for anybody interested in learning to build sophisticated applications with the Mozilla application framework.—Mitchell Baker, President, The Mozilla Foundation

Mozilla has grown to become a powerful framework for building cutting-edge web applications. Rapid Application Development with...

Retro Gaming Hacks
Retro Gaming Hacks

Maybe it was the recent Atari 2600 milestone anniversary that fueled nostalgia for the golden days of computer and console gaming. Every Game Boy must ponder his roots from time to time. But whatever is driving the current retro gaming craze, one thing is certain: classic games are back for a big second act, and they're being...

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