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Mastering Data Warehouse Aggregates: Solutions for Star Schema Performance
Mastering Data Warehouse Aggregates: Solutions for Star Schema Performance
The first book to offer in-depth coverage of star schema aggregate tables


Dubbed by Ralph Kimball as the most effective technique for maximizing star schema performance, dimensional aggregates are a powerful and efficient tool that can accelerate data warehouse queries more dramatically than any other technology. After you ensure...

Professional Live Communications Server
Professional Live Communications Server
This is the ultimate guide to Live Communications Server (LCS), the newest core server from Microsoft. You'll begin with an introduction to this technology and the suite of Unified Communications products offered by Microsoft, such as Live Meeting 2005, Communicator 2005, and LCS 2005 SP1. The book continues to cover details of the technical...
Office 2003 Application Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
Office 2003 Application Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
8 books in 1, plus companion Web site with source code!

Your one-stop guide to taking Office 2003 to the next level

So you’re an Office programmer, experienced user, IT professional, or developer. You know there’s lots of power in Office 2003 you’re not using. Help is on...

Sony Clie for Dummies
Sony Clie for Dummies
Put your office and more in the palm of your hand!

Manage contacts, tasks, and appointments, send e-mail, and play games

Your Sony CLIÉ is an amazing gadget, and with this book to guide you, it’ll soon become your best friend. Sure, it keeps your schedule, to-do list, and address book, but did you know it’ll also...

IP-Based Next-Generation Wireless Networks: Systems, Architectures, and Protocols
IP-Based Next-Generation Wireless Networks: Systems, Architectures, and Protocols
As wireless IP (Internet Protocol) networking technologies have become increasingly critical for the telecommunications industry, many standards organizations have sought to define a global infrastructure for wireless IP networks. This book is a practical source of up-to-date information on the growing body of specifications...
Radio Resource Management Strategies in UMTS
Radio Resource Management Strategies in UMTS
The key feature of future mobile communication systems is the ability to deliver wideband and high bit-rate multimedia services alongside the traditional radio services such as voice, messaging and slow rate data. The broad range of services expected to be supported can be divided into different Quality of Service (QoS) classes. However, the...
Wireless Sensor Network Designs
Wireless Sensor Network Designs
Wireless Sensors are small, cheap, low maintenance and will revolutionize wireless communications.

’Wireless sensor networks’ is a rapidly growing discipline with new technologies emerging, new applications being developed and standards being finalized. Sensors and actuators allow for entirely new kinds of...

Wireless Communications over MIMO Channels: Applications to CDMA and Multiple Antenna Systems
Wireless Communications over MIMO Channels: Applications to CDMA and Multiple Antenna Systems
Mobile radio communications are evolving from pure telephony systems to multimedia
platforms offering a variety of services ranging from simple file transfers and audio and
video streaming, to interactive applications and positioning tasks. Naturally, these services
have different constraints concerning data rate, delay, and
Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games
Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games
Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games is an essential guide to solving the algorithmic and networking problems of modern commercial computer games, written from the perspective of a computer scientist. Combining algorithmic knowledge and game-related problems, the authors discuss all the common difficulties encountered in game...
Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Topology control is fundamental to solving scalability and capacity problems in large-scale wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. 

Forthcoming wireless multi-hop networks such as ad hoc and sensor networks will allow network nodes to control the communication topology by choosing their transmitting...

QuickBooks All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
QuickBooks All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Packed with expert tips to help you stay on top of your finances

Your one-stop guide to easier small business accounting and financial management

QuickBooks makes it easier to handle all those financial chores you have to do for your small business, and this handy reference makes it easier to use QuickBooks! You'll find minibooks...

Java Open Source Programming: with XDoclet, JUnit, WebWork, Hibernate
Java Open Source Programming: with XDoclet, JUnit, WebWork, Hibernate
 Discover how to develop full-scale J2EETM applications quickly and efficiently using the best Open Source tools

Written by leading authorities in the field, this book shows you how to leverage a suite of best-of-breed Open Source development tools to take the pain out of J2EE and build a complete...

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