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Model-Based Signal Processing (Adaptive and Learning Systems for Signal Processing, Communications and Control Series)
Model-Based Signal Processing (Adaptive and Learning Systems for Signal Processing, Communications and Control Series)
A unique treatment of signal processing using a model-based perspective

Signal processing is primarily aimed at extracting useful information, while rejecting the extraneous from noisy data. If signal levels are high, then basic techniques can be applied. However, low signal levels require using the underlying physics to correct the problem...

Windows XP in 10 Steps or Less
Windows XP in 10 Steps or Less
If you need Windows XP solutions fast, then this book is for you–whether you’re new to Windows XP or you need help dealing with the applications that come with it. Open the book and you’ll discover clear, easy-to-follow instructions for more than 250 key Windows XP tasks, each presented in ten quick steps–or less....
Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
Technology Trends in Wireless Communications
The impressive evolution of mobile networks and the potential of wireless multimedia
communications pose many questions to operators, manufacturers, and
scientists working in the field. The future scenario is open to several alternatives:
thoughts, proposals, and activities of the near future could provide the answer to
the open
PC Magazine Wireless Solutions
PC Magazine Wireless Solutions
Wireless is freedom. Wireless is now. And who better than PC Magazine to help you break free?

Wireless is more than cell phones. It's Web surfing from your deck, or tuning up your Xbox® to take on opponents on the opposite coast. But whatever wireless is, it isn't simple—or it wasn't, until these two guys made it so. Here's the...

Knowledge-Based Clustering: From Data to Information Granules
Knowledge-Based Clustering: From Data to Information Granules
Discover the latest powerful tools in knowledge management

Knowledge-Based Clustering demonstrates how to design navigational platforms that enable information seekers to make sense of and better exploit highly diverse and heterogeneous sets of data. Moving beyond fuzzy clustering, the author shows how the promising new paradigm of...

Maya at a Glance
Maya at a Glance
Many years ago, I was a frustrated software engineer working in Silicon Valley. I was in a
very technical field, which I enjoyed, but I also had a strong desire to exercise my artistic
side. Writing code for UNIX workstations just didn’t satisfy that. I loved cartoons, so I
decided to take the
The Best Damn Cisco Internetworking Book Period
The Best Damn Cisco Internetworking Book Period
Cisco is almost synonymous with networking.There is almost no area of networking in which
Cisco is not a key player, or is not making inroads.You name it Cisco makes it—routers, switches,
firewalls, management software, and so on. It can be quite an undertaking to locate and acquire
all of the information needed to configure,
Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 with VB.NET 2003
Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 with VB.NET 2003
This book teaches you how to build custom ASP.NET Web sites from the ground up. An expert team of authors uses its extensive ASP.NET programming experience to give you hands-on instruction in the best way to create Web sites with ASP.NET. This completely updated edition features new examples, and all code is written and tested for ASP.NET version...
Cases on Information Technology Planning, Design and Implementation
Cases on Information Technology Planning, Design and Implementation
Information technology has reformed and restructured the inner workings of companies,
organizations and government agencies over the past several decades, and will
continue to do so well into the future. Managers and administrators are constantly in
search of new tools to be used in support of greater utilization and management of...
Java 6 Platform Revealed
Java 6 Platform Revealed
So you like living on the bleeding edge and want to learn about Java 6, aka Mustang.
Welcome. What you hold in your hands is a look at the newest features of the early access
version of Mustang. Working through the early access releases from Sun, I’ve painfully
struggled through the weekly drops and demonstrated the latest
AutoCAD & AutoCAD LT All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
AutoCAD & AutoCAD LT All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
10 books in 1— your key to AutoCAD success!

Your one-stop guide to all that's new in the leading CAD software

Here's a whole shelf of reference books in one handy cover! These convenient minibooks make it easy to find and figure out what you need to know, no matter how you use AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT. From basic stuff like...

Windows XP Hacks & Mods For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Windows XP Hacks & Mods For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Make Windows XP look, feel, and act the way you want

Simplify searches, find free virus protection, and make Windows love your iPod®

Hacks? Mods? Don't be frightened — this book walks you through each and every one, and even steers you clear of well-known hacks that don't really accomplish anything. See how some simple...

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