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Customizing and Upgrading Linux
Customizing and Upgrading Linux
A fast-paced guide to customizing and performing upgrades to Linux on a network

In order to fulfill Linux’s promise of delivering speed, efficiency, and reliability to a network, you must be able to properly customize and perform upgrades on this operating system. Updated to reflect all the recent changes to the core Linux kernel up...

Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2004: 6th International Workshop Cambridge, MA, USA, August 11-13, 2004, Proceedings
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2004: 6th International Workshop Cambridge, MA, USA, August 11-13, 2004, Proceedings
These are the proceedings of CHES 2004, the 6th Workshop on Cryptographic
Hardware and Embedded Systems. For the first time, the CHES Workshop was
sponsored by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR).
This year, the number of submissions reached a new record. One hundred
and twenty-five papers were
Professional BlackBerry
Professional BlackBerry
Professional BlackBerry

Enabling users to stay connected with wireless access to calendars, corporate data, real-time e-mail, and a phone, BlackBerry devices have experienced an explosion in popularity. Many would argue that they have become a business necessity. In the first book to deal with the support and development of BlackBerry devices,...

Understanding UMTS Radio Network Modelling, Planning and Automated Optimisation: Theory and Practice
Understanding UMTS Radio Network Modelling, Planning and Automated Optimisation: Theory and Practice
Understanding UMTS Radio Network Modelling, Planning and Automated Optimisation: Theory and Practice sets out to provide the theoretical foundations that will enable radio network planners to plan, model and radio networks using state-of-the-art findings from around the globe. Adopting a logical approach, it begins with the background to...
PKI Security Solutions for the Enterprise: Solving HIPAA, E-Paper Act, and Other Compliance Issues
PKI Security Solutions for the Enterprise: Solving HIPAA, E-Paper Act, and Other Compliance Issues
The tools and techniques for leveraging PKI technologies to provide secure Internet transactions

Do your customers have the confidence to do business over the Internet? By implementing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technologies, you’ll be able to quickly gain their trust through secure transactions. This book provides you with a clear...

Geeks On Call Wireless Networking: 5-Minute Fixes
Geeks On Call Wireless Networking: 5-Minute Fixes
Taking the worry out of wireless

Once you get your wireless network up and running, you'll wonder how you got along without it. And you'll wonder how home and small business users survived before Geeks On Call. This book is jam-packed with simple steps, quick solutions, and basic information to make setting up and using...

Wireless and Mobile All-IP Networks
Wireless and Mobile All-IP Networks
Here's your all-IP network handbook for 3G and beyond

Experts forecast a future in which all telephone services will be delivered over the economical, efficient IP network. In this follow-up to Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture, the bestselling guide to wireless network engineering, Yi-Bing Lin and Ai-Chun Pang delve...

VoIP Service Quality : Measuring and Evaluating Packet-Switched Voice
VoIP Service Quality : Measuring and Evaluating Packet-Switched Voice

Despite the features that make Voice over IP so attractive from the standpoint of cost and flexibility of telephone services, businesses will only adopt it once they’ve determined whether, and under what circumstances, the quality of VoIP will be satisfactory to...

Document Object Model : Processing Structured Documents
Document Object Model : Processing Structured Documents
Web applications have come a long way since the release of Netscape
Navigator 2.0, the first web browser to have a scripting language
embedded in it. That language, JavaScript, allowed developers for the
first time to manipulate their web pages directly in the user’s browser. From those
humble beginnings arose the Document
How To Do Everything with JavaScript
How To Do Everything with JavaScript

This book is designed to help anyone interested in adding elements of interactivity to their personal
web pages. Some experience with a PC is required, as we will not cover how to access the Internet
or how to use a web browser. You don’t have to be an HTML expert, although it will help if you
have some experience with that

Roxio Easy Media Creator For Dummies
Roxio Easy Media Creator For Dummies
Your guide to Roxio’s fully integrated digital media toolbox

Capture video, pictures, and sound, edit photos, store data files, and burn CDs or DVDs

What do you want to do with CDs and DVDs? Share home movies? Create a music library? Preserve your business records? Roxio’s Easy Media Creator can do it all and with this...

An Introduction to TTCN-3
An Introduction to TTCN-3
An Introduction to TTCN-3 is the perfect companion to the available TTCN-3 language standards.

The third revision of TTCN combines the best parts of previous versions with a powerful new textual syntax to create a universal testing language, whose application has been widened beyond communication systems to areas...

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