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Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Find code for sample applications on the companion Web site

Get up and running in no time with this streamlined version of SQL Server

SQL Server Express with Advanced Services is new, cool, inexpensive, and now — thanks to this book — easy to handle! This friendly...

Professional WinFX Beta: Covers "Avalon" Windows Presentation Foundation and "Indigo" Windows Communication Foundation
Professional WinFX Beta: Covers "Avalon" Windows Presentation Foundation and "Indigo" Windows Communication Foundation
Professional WinFX Beta: Covers "Avalon" Windows Presentation Foundation and "Indigo" Windows Communication Foundation

Windows development is about to dramatically change! WinFX is an object-oriented API that will allow you to create applications that take advantage of the exciting features in Windows® Vista (previously...

Snort for Dummies
Snort for Dummies
Find out how to foil an attack on your network

Choose the right way to deploy and configure Snort — no experience required!

Who knows what evil is poking around your network perimeter? Snort will sniff out worms, system crackers, and other bad guys, and this friendly guide helps you...

LabVIEW Digital Signal Processing
LabVIEW Digital Signal Processing
Create sophisticated DSP virtual instruments with LabVIEW

Take full advantage of all the digital signal processing capabilities LabVIEW has to offer with help from this hands-on tutorial. Readers will learn, step-by-step, how to use this revolutionary graphical development environment to build flexible and scalable digital signal...

How to Do Everything with PHP and MySQL
How to Do Everything with PHP and MySQL

Create MySQL database-driven Web sites and applications with PHP quickly and easily. This step-by-step guide explains how to take full advantage of PHP’s built-in support for MySQL and link the results of database queries to Web pages. You’ll get full details on PHP programming and MySQL database development, and then you’ll...

Organizational Consulting: How to Be an Effective Internal Change Agent
Organizational Consulting: How to Be an Effective Internal Change Agent
Praise for Organizational Consulting

"Alan grasps the very essence of organizational consulting. It’s not about foolish fads or mindless meetings, it’s about relationships, trust and focusing on key issues with a sense of urgency that gets results. His principles and techniques are easy to understand and apply."

Managing Mobile Services: Technologies and Business Practices
Managing Mobile Services: Technologies and Business Practices
New, attractive services for communications systems are versatile and promise to make the next generation of communications a success. Yet, as the systems grow more complex and diverse, so do the challenges of managing them.

Service management derives from technologies used in fixed telephony systems and has evolved towards...

Firewalls for Dummies, Second Edition
Firewalls for Dummies, Second Edition
Guard your DSL and protect your personal information

Keep your network safe from viruses, saboteurs, eavesdroppers, and other bad guys

We don’t want to scare you, but "they" are out there! Don’t venture into lawless cyberspace without this trusty guide. It’ll help you evaluate the danger, understand how...

Simulation: The Practice of Model Development and Use
Simulation: The Practice of Model Development and Use
Simulation models enable the user to better understand and explore improvements to an operations system such as a manufacturing, service, transport or supply system. It is a powerful management tool, providing a means for improving an organization’s efficiency and effectiveness. Advances in modern software mean that simulation is...
Beginning Algorithms (Wrox Beginning Guides)
Beginning Algorithms (Wrox Beginning Guides)
Beginning Algorithms

A good understanding of algorithms, and the knowledge of when to apply them, is crucial to producing software that not only works correctly, but also performs efficiently. This is the only book to impart all this essential information—from the basics of algorithms, data structures, and performance characteristics to...

Functional Verification of Programmable Embedded Architectures: A Top-Down Approach
Functional Verification of Programmable Embedded Architectures: A Top-Down Approach
It is widely acknowledged that the cost of validation and testing comprises a significant
percentage of the overall development costs for electronic systems today,
and is expected to escalate sharply in the future. Many studies have shown that
up to 70% of the design development time and resources are spent on functional...
Wireless Technician's Handbook (Artech House Mobile Communications Library)
Wireless Technician's Handbook (Artech House Mobile Communications Library)
I have noticed over my 20-year career in wireless engineering that the most effective technicians and engineers are those who understood the basic fundamentals of radio frequency engineering. Too often, technicians understand how to follow the test procedures or troubleshooting guidelines to make the RF measurements, but does not understand what...
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