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Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 Databases: From Novice to Professional
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 Databases: From Novice to Professional
Welcome to the introduction. From this point on, you’ll discover the amazing world of ADO.NET,
inanimate computer desks, late-night coding sessions, evil bugs, functions, methods, properties,
and data. Seriously though, welcome to the world of databases in ASP.NET.

The idea for this kind of book isn’t new, but if
Photoshop Album for Dummies
Photoshop Album for Dummies
Includes full-color examples to help make your images picture perfect!

Organize your photos and share them as slide shows, e-cards, or personalized gifts

At last, there’s a better way to manage your virtual shoebox full of digital images! Photoshop Album helps you store, sort, and show off your photos in dozens of creative...

Mastering JBuilder
Mastering JBuilder
The authoritative guide to building large-scale applications with JBuilder®

JBuilder is a tool designed by Java developers for Java developers. JBuilder developers need a guide that delves into the more powerful techniques that are required to build enterprise-strength applications.

Endorsed by Borland,...

Power Sales Writing
Power Sales Writing

Write for results with speed, power, and confidence!

Want to write powerful business communications that command attention, drive home your message, and deliver the desired outcome? Want to save countless hours doing it? Power Sales Writing shows you how. This brisk, no-nonsense guide presents simple rules and...

Time Management
Time Management

Quick and Easy-to-Implement Techniques for Making Better Use of Your Time, Both On and Off the Job

In today's fast-moving workplace, time has never had greater value--or been in shorter supply. Time Management provides you with the tools and techniques you need to make each minute count. Filled with...

Office 2003 Timesaving Techniques for Dummies
Office 2003 Timesaving Techniques for Dummies
Find tips that work with Office 2000 and Office XP, too!

Over 70 techniques that help you save time by…

  • Keeping Office streamlined and secure
  • Organizing Outlook® in a flash
  • Maintaining a virus-free inbox
  • Crafting smart and handy Access reports
  • Creating...
Pragmatic Ajax: A Web 2.0 Primer
Pragmatic Ajax: A Web 2.0 Primer
This is a book about developing effective web applications. We’re not
going to dance around this issue. Underneath everything else, this
book is about XHTML, JavaScript, CSS, and standards that have been
around for almost a decade now. Not only do we admit this truth,
we embrace it. Just because these standards have been
Pricing Communication Networks: Economics, Technology and Modelling (Wiley Interscience Series in Systems and Optimization)
Pricing Communication Networks: Economics, Technology and Modelling (Wiley Interscience Series in Systems and Optimization)
Recent advances in technology, combined with the deregulation of the telecommunication market and the proliferation of the Internet, have created a highly competitive environment for communication service providers. There is no simple recipe for pricing network service contracts in all contexts. Pricing is a complex subject, which depends on...
Web Application Architecture: Principles, Protocols and Practices
Web Application Architecture: Principles, Protocols and Practices
It is no longer enough for Web application developers to be proficient in just one platform. As platforms grow and evolve and new ones arise, developers must be able to transfer their proficiency across platforms in order to design, develop and debug complex Web applications effectively. This book uncovers the underlying core technologies that...
Multimedia Content and the Semantic Web: Standards, Methods and Tools
Multimedia Content and the Semantic Web: Standards, Methods and Tools
The emerging idea of the semantic web is based on the maximum automation of the complete knowledge lifecycle processes: knowledge representation, acquisition, adaptation, reasoning, sharing and use.

Text-based based browsers involve a costly information-retrieval process: descriptions are inherently subjective and usage is often confined to...

Symbian for Software Leaders: Principles of Successful Smartphone Development Projects (Symbian Press)
Symbian for Software Leaders: Principles of Successful Smartphone Development Projects (Symbian Press)
I dedicate this book to everyone interested in the exhilarating task
of creating smartphone products using Symbian OS. That task is
exhilarating because it is, at times, both truly hard and truly rewarding.
My goal with this book is to make the task less hard, and even
more rewarding.

My target audience comprises
501 Web Site Secrets: Unleash the Power of Google®, Amazon®, eBay® and More
501 Web Site Secrets: Unleash the Power of Google®, Amazon®, eBay® and More
Do more than you ever thought possible with search engines, portals, and e-commerce sites! Packed with insider tips, tricks, timesavers, and workarounds, this unique guide shows you step by step how to make the most of today’s most popular Web sites. From putting Google in your browser and personalizing Yahoo! to finding bargains on Amazon...
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