 Schaum's Easy Outline of Principles of EconomicsFor students looking for a quick nuts and bolts overview to the Principles of Economics. Gives students quick pointers to the essentials. Softcover.
About the Author Dominic Salvatore, Ph.D., is Distinguished Professor of Economics and Department Chairman at Fordham University in New York. He is a Fellow of... |  |  Principles of Network and System AdministrationNetwork and system administration is a branch of engineering that concerns the operational management of human–computer systems. It is unusual as an engineering discipline in that it addresses both the technology of computer systems and the users of the technology on an equal basis. It is about putting together a network of computers... |  |  Access Forms & Reports For DummiesMicrosoft Access can be an incredibly useful application, but it can also be very frustrating if you don’t know how to make it do what you want it to do. In a perfect world, you’d have a guru around, 24/7 — someone who knows Access inside and out and is willing to guide you along the way, showing you handy... |
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