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Mac Toys: 12 Cool Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment (ExtremeTech)
Mac Toys: 12 Cool Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment (ExtremeTech)
Remember when they said your Mac was just a toy? It's payback time

Your PC pals who made fun of your Mac back in the old days will sing a different tune when they see what you’re playing with now. Create a Harry Potter style picture frame that puts on a continuous slide show; teach your house to turn on the lights, adjust the...

Next Generation Mobile Systems: 3G & Beyond
Next Generation Mobile Systems: 3G & Beyond
What will the future of wireless communications look like?

What drives mobile communications systems beyond 3G?

In Next Generation Mobile Systems the authors answer these questions and others surrounding the new technologies.  The book examines the current research issues...

End-to-End Quality of Service over Cellular Networks: Data Services Performance Optimization in 2G/3G
End-to-End Quality of Service over Cellular Networks: Data Services Performance Optimization in 2G/3G
This comprehensive resource contains a detailed methodology for assessing, analyzing and optimizing End-to-End Service Performance under different cellular technologies (GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA and CDMA2000). It includes guidelines for analyzing numerous different services, including FTP, WEB streaming and POC, including examples of analysis and...
The Art of Java
The Art of Java

Take your programming expertise to the next level with help from Java programming all-stars Herb Schildt and James Holmes. Together they unlock the secrets that professional programmers use to create world-class software. Inside, Herb and James apply Java to a wide variety of high-powered applications, each demonstrating different features and...

Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles, Algorithms and Protocols
Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles, Algorithms and Protocols
Cryptography is the key to securing the Internet

If every communication network were to use a secure system based on encryption, then viruses, worms and hackers would have a very hard time. Unfortunately, this scenario does not reflect the reality of the Internet world today. However, with security issues becoming more and more important...

Designing Portals: Opportunities and Challenges
Designing Portals: Opportunities and Challenges
This is a book about Internet portals in higher education. It grew out of the
editors’ sense that the application of portal technologies to college and
university needs is a much broader topic than can be addressed in a brief article
or conference presentation.

Portals present unique strategic challenges in the
Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET, 2nd Edition
Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET, 2nd Edition
The addition of Crystal Reports 9.0 to Visual Studio .NET 2003 offers developers a reporting tool that allows you to turn almost any data into interactive, dynamic content through portals, wireless devices, and Microsoft Office documents. This code-intensive guide takes you step by step through developing reports and incorporating them into...
Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4 (J2EE 1.4) Bible
Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4 (J2EE 1.4) Bible
"One stop shopping for J2EE."
– Scott Ambler, Senior Consultant, Ronin International, Inc. and Author of Agile Modeling

If Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4 can do it, you can do it too...

You already know that Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4 makes your enterprise services more cost-effective, more adaptable,...

The Requirements Engineering Handbook (Artech House Technology Management and Professional Development Library)
The Requirements Engineering Handbook (Artech House Technology Management and Professional Development Library)
This book is intended as a concise but thorough ready reference for requirements
analysts (RAs)—those who are assigned to determine the requirements
for planned systems and software, both in computing and engineering.
It is a desk guide/handbook that focuses on how RAs can best perform their

Ambient Intelligence: A Novel Paradigm
Ambient Intelligence: A Novel Paradigm
If the space around us could adapt to our needs and intentions, then our lives
would be much simpler. We would have to spend less time on our daily chores,
we would be more productive and, hopefully, we would live in a less worrisome
and, most likely, more secure world.

Ideally, it would be great if we could live our lives
Hardcore Windows XP
Hardcore Windows XP

A Must-Have Resource for Power Users!

Take control of Windows XP and get the most out of everything this powerful operating system has to offer. Written by Microsoft Windows XP Expert Zone columnist Joli Ballew, this book shows you hundreds of tips and tricks you’ll be able to use right away. Learn to do everything from kick...

Mathematical Models of Spoken Language
Mathematical Models of Spoken Language
Humans use language to convey meaningful messages to each other. Linguistic competence consists in the ability to express meaning reliably, not simply to obtain faithful lexical transcriptions. This invaluable reference tool is the product of many years' experience and research on language and speech technology. It presents the motivations for,...
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