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Making Sense of Motherhood: A Narrative Approach
Making Sense of Motherhood: A Narrative Approach
Becoming a mother changes lives in many ways, and this book explores how women try to make sense of, and narrate their experiences of, first-time motherhood in industrialized society. It charts the social, cultural and moral contours of contemporary motherhood and engages with sociological and feminist debates on how selves are constituted,...
Data Compression: The Complete Reference
Data Compression: The Complete Reference
Giambattista della Porta, a Renaissance scientist, was the author in 1558 of Magia Naturalis (Natural Magic), a book in which he discusses many subjects, including demonology, magnetism, and the camera obscura. The book mentions an imaginary device that has since become known as the “sympathetic telegraph.” This device was to have...
Risk Management and Capital Adequacy
Risk Management and Capital Adequacy

A Step-by-Step Approach for Integrating Market, Credit, and Operational Risk Management--While Complying with New Basel Accord Guidelines

For financial institutions around the world, the work involved in managing market, credit, and operational risk exposures--as well as the capital required to support such...

Say It Right the First Time
Say It Right the First Time

Master the communication skills that allow great leaders to produce extraordinary results.

Language creates reality. Say It Right the First Time reveals the key underlying communication principles that inspire people to perform at the highest levels. It puts you in command of the new language of leadership and...

Multimedia-based Instructional Design: Computer-Based Training; Web-Based Training; Distance Broadcast Training; Performance-Based Solutions, Second Edition
Multimedia-based Instructional Design: Computer-Based Training; Web-Based Training; Distance Broadcast Training; Performance-Based Solutions, Second Edition
A New Edition of the Book that Turned the Training World Upside Down

Just as the groundbreaking first edition of Multimedia-Based Instructional Design offered a complete guide to designing and developing interactive multimedia training, the second edition is filled with relevant new content, automated tools on the CD-ROM, updates on standards,...

Information Architecture with XML: A Management Strategy
Information Architecture with XML: A Management Strategy
In the ‘good old days’ before food labelling, sell-by dates and competitive brand promotion,
you placed yourself at the mercy of your local village store manager. After the
painful wait for the previous customer to bid his farewells and finally let attention turn
your way, you placed your trust in the nice old guy who
Six Sigma Business Scorecard : Creating a Comprehensive Corporate Performance Measurement System
Six Sigma Business Scorecard : Creating a Comprehensive Corporate Performance Measurement System
Ensuring growth and profitability through performance




"Great book! The readers should keep their highlighters handy for they will find many points that they will want to remember." -- H. James Harrington, Ph.D., Author of Business
BigNum Math: Implementing Cryptographic Multiple Precision Arithmetic
BigNum Math: Implementing Cryptographic Multiple Precision Arithmetic
The origins of this book are part of an interesting period of my life. A period that
saw me move from a shy and disorganized young adult, into a software developer
who has toured various parts of the world, and met countless new friends and
colleagues. It all began in December of 2001, nearly five years ago. I started a
Computer-Aided Intelligent Recognition Techniques and Applications
Computer-Aided Intelligent Recognition Techniques and Applications
Intelligent recognition methods have recently proven to be indispensable in a variety of modern industries, including computer vision, robotics, medical imaging, visualization and the media. Furthermore, they play a critical role in the traditional fields such as character recognition, natural language processing and personal identification.


Advances in Mobile Radio Access Networks
Advances in Mobile Radio Access Networks
This book gives a comprehensive overview of the technologies for the advances of
mobile radio access networks. The topics covered include linear transmitters,
superconducting filters and cryogenic radio frequency (RF) front head, radio over
fiber, software radio base stations, mobile terminal positioning, high speed
A Manager's Guide To PR Projects: A Practical Approach (LEA's Communication Series)
A Manager's Guide To PR Projects: A Practical Approach (LEA's Communication Series)
A Manager s Guide to PR Projects was conceived, gestated, and produced
out of sheer frustration. Perhaps a more academic approach to this explanation
would be to say that one university professor experienced considerable
difficulty in acquiring appropriate materials to support a pedagogical approach
involving student
The Handbook of Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction
The Handbook of Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction
The most widely cited reference on task analysis has been Task-Analysis for Human-
Computer Interaction, edited by Dan Diaper, who must take the main blame for this new
Handbook of Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction, as his motive was in part to
stem the trickle of requests from around the world for chapters from the
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