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FreeBSD 6 Unleashed
FreeBSD 6 Unleashed
This book teaches the reader everything he/she needs to know in order to use FreeBSD to its full potential. It will show individuals how to use the same FreeBSD power that Yahoo!, the Internet Movie Database, and many other high profile internet sites depend on. Whether someone needs an enterprise class server, a small business server, or a...
iPod + iTunes for Windows and Mac in a Snap (2nd Edition) (Sams Teach Yourself)
iPod + iTunes for Windows and Mac in a Snap (2nd Edition) (Sams Teach Yourself)
iPod enthusiasts, this book is for you. iPod + iTunes for Windows and Mac in a Snap, Second Edition has been updated to cover the latest version of iTunes and the entire family of iPods, including the new Nano, and podcast and video download features. Organized into a series of well-organized,...
MySQL Administrator's Guide and Language Reference (2nd Edition)
MySQL Administrator's Guide and Language Reference (2nd Edition)

Written by the creators of MySQL and edited by one of the most highly respected MySQL authors, the MySQL Administrator's Guide and Language Reference is the official guide to installing MySQL, to setting up and administering MySQL databases, and to storing and...

Buying a Computer For Dummies
Buying a Computer For Dummies
Flat display? Satellite modem? What do YOU need?

Decide what you want your computer to do, and then pick the parts that get you there

If your top priority is cool multimedia, you have different computer needs from your pal who can't wait to play games online. Follow Dan's proven system, and you'll come out with the right stuff, buy...

Mobile Commerce Applications
Mobile Commerce Applications
Today, various m-commerce applications are increasingly enhancing enterprises' abilities to offer mobile services that are easily accessed by a mobile device anytime and anywhere. With the unique advantages of emerging mobile communications and wireless technologies, m-commerce applications are generally used to fulfill some tasks that are not...
Cryptographic Security Architecture: Design and Verification
Cryptographic Security Architecture: Design and Verification
This book describes various aspects of cryptographic security architecture design, with a
particular emphasis on the use of rigorous security models and practices in the design. The
first portion of the book presents the overall architectural basis for the design, providing a
general overview of features such as the object model and
HTML in 10 Steps or Less
HTML in 10 Steps or Less
If you are building your own Web pages and need HTML solutions fast, then this book is for you--whether you’re new to Web site authoring or you need a quick refresher on how to create a table. Open the book and you’ll discover clear, easy-to-follow instructions for more than 250 key HTML Web tasks, each presented in ten quick steps--or...
Advances In Uml And Xml-based Software Evolution
Advances In Uml And Xml-based Software Evolution
This book continues to provide a forum, which a recent book, Software Evolution with
UML and XML, started, where expert insights are presented on the subject.
In that book, initial efforts were made to link together three current phenomena: software
evolution, UML, and XML. In this book, focus will be on the practical side of...
Modeling the Internet and the Web: Probabilistic Methods and Algorithms
Modeling the Internet and the Web: Probabilistic Methods and Algorithms
The World Wide Web is growing in size at a remarkable rate.  It is a huge evolving system and its data are rife with uncertainties.  Probability and statistics are the fundamental mathematical tools that enable us to model, reason and infer meaningful results from such data.  Modelling the Internet and the Web covers the...
It's Never Done That Before: A Guide to Troubleshooting Windows XP
It's Never Done That Before: A Guide to Troubleshooting Windows XP
Most computer problems aren’t that violent or that dramatic, but the
immediate result is often the same: you sit there in a state of shock, staring at
the computer, saying to yourself, “What happened? What should I do now?
It’s never done that before!” This book will tell you how to understand and
Countdown to French : Learn to Communicate in 24 Hours
Countdown to French : Learn to Communicate in 24 Hours

Go from being feckless to flawless at French in only 24 hours

So you're leaving for France in a few days and you don't speak a word of the language? What will you do if you get lost in Paris and have to ask for directions? Or your rental car acts up and you need a mechanic? Or your flight from Nice is delayed and you...

Bluetooth For Java
Bluetooth For Java
Bluetooth is a technology for wireless communication. It is similar in functionality to the way laptops connect to the
Internet from home/office, but is typically used for short burst communications instead of a continuous connection.
Because of this difference, Bluetooth is more typically found supported in wireless phones and personal
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