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The Inside Text: Social, Cultural and Design Perspectives on SMS (The Computer Supported Cooperative Work Series)
The Inside Text: Social, Cultural and Design Perspectives on SMS (The Computer Supported Cooperative Work Series)
Mobile phones and the short-text messaging service (SMS or “text”) in particular
are new social phenomena, much marvelled at and much commented upon (See
Brown et al, 2002; Katz & Aakhus, 2002; Ling, 2004). This success is said to be
because mobiles allow new levels of micromanagement in an age of fraught and...
Field Geophysics
Field Geophysics
Although there are many different geophysical methods, small-scale surveys
all tend to be rather alike and involve similar, and sometimes ambiguous,
jargon. For example, the word base has three different common meanings,
and stacked and field have two each.

Measurements in geophysical surveys are made in the field but,
The Linux Process Manager
The Linux Process Manager
The book assumes that the reader has some previous knowledge of operating system
structure and terminology. For anyone needing such a background I can recommend my
book Operating Systems (O’Gorman, 2000), which is a short readable introduction to the
topic. Operating Systems with Linux (O’Gorman, 2001) is much more
Theory and Applications of OFDM and CDMA: Wideband Wireless Communications
Theory and Applications of OFDM and CDMA: Wideband Wireless Communications
Theory and Applications of OFDM and CDMA is an ideal foundation textbook for those seeking a sound knowledge of this fast-developing field of wideband communications. The advanced transmission techniques of OFDM, applied in wireless LANs and in digital and video broadcasting, and CDMA, the foundation of 3G mobile communications, have been...
Investment Performance Measurement (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)
Investment Performance Measurement (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)
Investment is an initial forfeit of something we value in exchange for
the anticipated benefit of getting back more than we put in. The difference
between what we put in and what we got back is the return; we
invest in order to yield this return. For financial assets return includes
both the gain we receive when we finally
CSS Hacks and Filters: Making Cascading Stylesheets Work
CSS Hacks and Filters: Making Cascading Stylesheets Work
Here's how to make CSS work the way it should

Cascading Style Sheets, the technology meant to bring order out of chaos by letting you update Web sites effortlessly, just doesn't always work. You recognize that when you discover your graphics, perfectly positioned in Firefox, throw your page out of whack when viewed in Explorer. The solution?...

Foundations of Soft Case-Based Reasoning (Wiley Series on Intelligent Systems)
Foundations of Soft Case-Based Reasoning (Wiley Series on Intelligent Systems)
A breakthrough on today’s fastest growing artificial intelligence technique

Many of today’s engineering and business computer applications require decisions to be made on the basis of uncertain or incomplete information, a phenomenon that has resulted in the development of case-based reasoning, a powerful computing technique by...

Software That Sells : A Practical Guide to Developing and Marketing Your Software Project
Software That Sells : A Practical Guide to Developing and Marketing Your Software Project
Purchasing this book could change your future
  • Recognize a good idea and gauge its chances
  • Analyze and research your market
  • Learn what investors look for in a business venture
  • Make your planning pay
  • Pick a winning team
  • Know when to reach for ready-mades
  • ...
Getting the Most from Online Learning: A Learner's Guide
Getting the Most from Online Learning: A Learner's Guide
Getting the Most from Online Learning is a must-have resource that helps people become better e-learners by showing them how to prepare for, participate in, and apply e-learning in all its variations. Written by the leaders in e-learning, this book is filled with practical ideas, suggestions, and information about a wide variety of topics including...
The Right Stock at the Right Time: Prospering in the Coming Good Years
The Right Stock at the Right Time: Prospering in the Coming Good Years
Praise for The RIGHT STOCK at the RIGHT TIME

"A fundamentally good time to consider the strategies in this book. Macro-market timing, stock-specific approaches, money management revelations and intermarket analysis. Even better that it is written by someone who has actually done it himself."
–Lindsay Glass,

UML 2 Toolkit
UML 2 Toolkit
The authoring of this book coincides with the final review of the UML 2 proposal; therefore, we did not have the benefit of UML 2–compliant tools. This book focuses on good modeling with UML, relying on the UML 2 features that make sense logically. While we looked at a few early versions of tools, we did not find the support for features we...
Dreamweaver 8 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
Dreamweaver 8 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
9 books in 1 — your key to Dreamweaver success!

Your one-stop guide to building and maintaining high-impact Web sites

Dreamweaver is the top pick of Web designers looking for a powerful, cross-platform tool that produces professional Web sites. With this complete reference...

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