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The Handbook of Nanotechnology: Business, Policy, and Intellectual Property Law
The Handbook of Nanotechnology: Business, Policy, and Intellectual Property Law
"This Handbook is sure to become the ultimate sourcebook for everyone involved in the emerging field of nanotechnology. I would strongly recommend that any entrepreneur who wishes to begin a nanotechnology company and any investor who wishes to seek funding opportunities in nanotechnology read this work cover to cover. By providing the tools...
Multivariable Control Systems: An Engineering Approach (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing)
Multivariable Control Systems: An Engineering Approach (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing)

Multivariable control techniques solve issues of complex specification and modelling errors elegantly but the complexity of the underlying mathematics is much higher than presented in traditional single-input, single-output control courses.

Multivariable Control Systems focuses on control...

World Class Reliability: Using Multiple Environment Overstress Tests to Make it Happen
World Class Reliability: Using Multiple Environment Overstress Tests to Make it Happen

This book describes powerful tools for the twenty-first century that can predict and correct potential field failures at the design stage of the product, so companies don't have to wait helplessly to witness failures in the hands of customers.

Six Sigma has been a giant in the quality movement but has been a pygmy in...

Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis
Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis
This book is an introduction to real-time systems. It is intended not as a cookbook,
but, rather, as a stimulus for thinking about hardware and software in a different
way. It is necessarily broader than deep. It is a survey book, designed to heighten
the reader’s awareness of real-time issues.

This book is the
Make Yourself a Millionaire : How to Sleep Well and Stay Sane on the Road to Wealth
Make Yourself a Millionaire : How to Sleep Well and Stay Sane on the Road to Wealth
Praise for Make Yourself a Millionaire:

"Charles Zhang is a true American success story. His hard work and dedication to providing highquality financial advice is legendary within American Express. This book is a great roadmap for those who want to reach their dreams. It is a must read."--Ken Chenault,...

Project Management with the IBM(R) Rational Unified Process(R): Lessons From The Trenches
Project Management with the IBM(R) Rational Unified Process(R): Lessons From The Trenches
The Hands-On, Start-to-Finish Guide to Managing Software Projects with the IBM® Rational Unified Process®


This is the definitive guide to managing software development projects with the IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP®). Drawing on his...

XML 1.1 Bible
XML 1.1 Bible
If XML can do it, you can do it too ...

If you’re a Web developer, you’ve seen XML rocket to first place as the preferred data format for everything from stock trades to graphic design. In this tightly focused, fully updated guidebook, a top XML authority gives you a complete education in the technology. You’ll learn to write...

Comprehensive Intellectual Capital Management: Step-by-Step
Comprehensive Intellectual Capital Management: Step-by-Step
This book marks an important stage in my professional life. In one way it may seem a digression
from my profession as an attorney, but on second thought it seems that everything that
I have been doing in the past seven years of my professional life were leading to this book. Being
a business lawyer, I came to appreciate that my
Scalable Continuous Media Streaming Systems: Architecture, Design, Analysis and Implementation
Scalable Continuous Media Streaming Systems: Architecture, Design, Analysis and Implementation
Continuous media streaming systems will shape the future of information infrastructure. The challenge is to design systems and networks capable of supporting millions of concurrent users. Key to this is the integration of fault-tolerant mechanisms to prevent individual component failures from disrupting systems operations. These are just some of...
HackNotes(tm) Web Security Pocket Reference
HackNotes(tm) Web Security Pocket Reference

HackNotes Web Security Portable Reference describes the hacks and vulnerabilities threatening today's Web applications, then provides the defenses necessary to counteract and destroy threats of all manner. Determine whether a vulnerability exists, then attack and overcome application weaknesses through a series of tested and trusted...

The Ultimate New York Body Plan
The Ultimate New York Body Plan
Manhattan fitness trainer and wellness coach Kirsch (Sound Mind, Sound Body) has expertly sculpted the bodies of Naomi Campbell and Linda Evangelista and worked his fitness miracles on ABC's Extreme Makeover. Now he tends to readers seeking a fast way to slim down before that big wedding or bikini season. Normally, Hirsch says, he...
Chemometrics: From Basics to Wavelet Transform (Chemical Analysis: A Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry and Its Applications)
Chemometrics: From Basics to Wavelet Transform (Chemical Analysis: A Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry and Its Applications)
All the tools chemists need to analyze chemical data and produce more useful information

The statistical and mathematical methods of chemometrics present a wide array of modeling and processing tools for maximizing useful information from experimental data. These methods both reduce time spent in the laboratory and allow researchers to extract...

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